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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

safe·guard [safeguard safeguards safeguarded safeguarding] verb, noun BrE [ˈseɪfɡɑːd] NAmE [ˈseɪfɡɑːrd]
verb transitive, intransitive (formal)
to protect sth/sb from loss, harm or damage; to keep sth/sb safe
~ sth to safeguard a person's interests
to safeguard jobs
~ sth/sb against/from sth The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.
~ against sth The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English (denoting protection or safe conduct): from Old French sauve garde, from sauve ‘safe’ + garde ‘guard’.

Example Bank:
This legislation does not adequately safeguard the rights of consumers.
Try to safeguard the young plants from frost.
We must take steps to safeguard our environment against these threats.
It is hoped that the order will safeguard jobs at the plant.

noun ~ (against sth)
something that is designed to protect people from harm, risk or danger
Stronger legal safeguards are needed to protect the consumer.
The measures have been introduced as a safeguard against fraud.

Word Origin:
late Middle English (denoting protection or safe conduct): from Old French sauve garde, from sauve ‘safe’ + garde ‘guard’.

Example Bank:
Appropriate safeguards would have to be built into the procedures to avoid abuses.
Does the procedure provide adequate safeguards against corruption?
The credit agreement includes a safeguard against overcharging.
The elections will go ahead, provided that adequate safeguards are in place.


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