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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

whisk [whisk whisks whisked whisking] verb, noun BrE [wɪsk] NAmE [wɪsk]
1. ~ sth to mix liquids, eggs, etc. into a stiff light mass, using a fork or special tool
Syn: beat
Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
2. ~ sb/sth + adv./prep. to take sb/sth somewhere very quickly and suddenly
Jamie whisked her off to Paris for the weekend.
The waiter whisked away the plates before we had finished.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English: of Scandinavian origin.

Example Bank:
Lightly whisk the eggs and then add them to the mixture.
Whisk all the ingredients together.

a kitchen ↑utensil (= a tool) for stirring eggs, etc. very fast
an electric whisk

Word Origin:
late Middle English: of Scandinavian origin.

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