Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
approach ![](images/dict/a/approach.gif)
ap·proach AW [approach approaches approached approaching] verb, noun BrE [əˈprəʊtʃ] NAmE [əˈproʊtʃ] verb MOVE NEAR 1. intransitive, transitive to come near to sb/sth in distance or time •We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching. • Winter is approaching. • The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision. •~ sb/sth As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left. OFFER/ASK 2. transitive to speak to sb about sth, especially to ask them for sth or to offer to do sth •~ sb We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product. • I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach (= not easy to talk to in a friendly way). •~ sb for sth/about (doing) sth She approached the bank for a loan. AMOUNT/QUALITY 3. transitive ~ sth to come close to sth in amount, level or quality •profits approaching 30 million dollars • Few writers approach his richness of language. PROBLEM/TASK 4. transitive ~ sth to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way • What's the best way of approaching this problem? Verb forms: Word Origin: Middle English: from Old French aprochier, aprocher, from ecclesiastical Latin appropiare ‘draw near’, from ad- ‘to’ + propius (comparative of prope ‘near’). Thesaurus: approach verb 1. I, T •We could hear the train approaching. come • • close in • • converge on sth • • advance on/towards sth • |written draw near • • near • |formal proceed towards sth • slowly approach/come/close in/advance on sth/draw near/proceed towards sth 2. I, T •The deadline was fast approaching. come • |written draw near • • near • spring/summer/autumn/fall/winter approaches/comes/draws near the day/time approaches/comes/draws near 3. T •They have announced profits approaching $30 million. border on sth • • verge on sth • • touch • |especially BrE be getting on for sth • |formal approximate • approach/be getting on for midnight/three o'clock/lunchtime border on/verge on paranoia/hysteria/contempt border on/verge on the insane/obsessive 4. T •What's the best way of approaching this problem? tackle • • set about sth • • go about sth • • deal with sb/sth • • handle • • get to grips with sth • |formal address • |written grapple • approach/tackle/set about/go about/deal with/handle/get to grips with/address a task approach/tackle/deal with/handle/get to grips with/address/grapple with a problem Example Bank: •Have you approached John about doing a concert? •Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray. •How would this problem be best approached? •I approached the bank for a loan. •It's best to approach her directly. •She found her father difficult to approach. •The army approached from the south. •The time is fast approaching when we will have to replace these old machines. •There is no other player even remotely approaching her calibre. •A man approached me and asked for the time. •Aid was desperately needed as winter approached. •As the end of the course approaches, the students are busy applying for jobs. •Attacks on the party increased as the election approached. •He was approaching a turning point in his life. •I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach. •Police said the suspect should not be approached. •She approached the crossroads cautiously. •The big race was rapidly approaching. •The deadline was fast approaching. •The light comes on if an intruder approaches. •The system is designed to stop missiles as they approach their target. •They have just announced profits approaching $30 million. •They saw the lights of an approaching car. •We could hear the train approaching. •What's the best way of approaching this problem? •With retirement approaching, she wants to move somewhere a little smaller. noun TO PROBLEM/TASK 1. countable a way of dealing with sb/sth; a way of doing or thinking about sth such as a problem or a task • She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. •~ to sth The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. MOVEMENT NEARER 2. singular movement nearer to sb/sth in distance or time • She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened. •the approach of spring • They felt apprehensive about the approach of war. OFFER/REQUEST 3. countable the act of speaking to sb about sth, especially when making an offer or a request •The club has made an approach to a local company for sponsorship. •She resented his persistent approaches. PATH/ROAD 4. countable a path, road, etc. that leads to a place •All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. •a new approach road to the port OF AIRCRAFT 5. countable the part of an aircraft's flight immediately before landing •to begin the final approach to the runway STH SIMILAR 6. singular a thing that is like sth else that is mentioned •That's the nearest approach to an apology you'll get from him. see the carrot and (the) stick (approach) at ↑carrot Word Origin: Middle English: from Old French aprochier, aprocher, from ecclesiastical Latin appropiare ‘draw near’, from ad- ‘to’ + propius (comparative of prope ‘near’). Thesaurus: approach noun 1. C •Try a different approach to the problem. way • • method • • technique • • strategy • • tactic • • procedure • |formal manner • • methodology • a traditional/conventional/different approach/way/method/technique/strategy/tactic/procedure/manner/methodology adopt a/an approach/way/method/technique/strategy/tactic/procedure/manner/methodology change your approach/way/method/strategy/tactics/procedure/methodology 2. sing. •She hadn't heard his approach. •They felt apprehensive about the approach of war. arrival • • coming • • entrance • • appearance • • advent • sb/sth's imminent approach/arrival/appearance signal sb/sth's approach/arrival/coming/entrance/advent the approach/arrival/coming/advent of spring Example Bank: •He criticized the one-size-fits-all approach to learning. •I liked her approach to the problem •I spent some time testing this approach. •Next time I'd advocate the direct approach. •She favoured the direct approach. •Some teachers have a more formal approach to teaching. •Taking a fresh approach often yields interesting results. •The US army pioneered this approach. •The aircraft had to make a steep approach to the landing strip. •The approach to the village was very pretty. •The children fell silent at the approach of their teacher. •The company is taking a proactive approach to easing the energy crisis. •The plane crashed during its approach to the runway. •The swishing of the grass signalled the approach of a person. •The therapy takes a holistic approach to health and well-being. •The weather turned colder with the approach of autumn. •This approach allows students to learn at their own pace. •This approach can be extended to other fields. •This approach offers many advantages. •This approach works for me. •We need to adopt a more pragmatic approach. •We need to try alternative approaches to the problem. •We'll have to make an approach to the chief executive. •We've received an approach from the director of a rival company. •a pragmatic approach to the role of religion in politics •the approach road to the palace •He had failed to notice the approach of the two policemen. •She hadn't heard his approach. •The air was growing cooler with the approach of evening. •The modern approach to grammar teaching should make it easier to learn. •The school has adopted a firmer approach to discipline. •They were watching the slow approach of the bus. •This is a completely new approach. •We want you to explore and develop various approaches. •Why don't you try a different approach? •With the approach of winter comes new worries. •You need to change your basic approach.
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