double [double doubles doubled doubling] adjective, determiner, adverb, noun, verb BrE [ˈdʌbl] NAmE [ˈdʌbl] adjective usually before noun TWICE AS MUCH/MANY 1. twice as much or as many as usual •a double helping •two double whiskies WITH TWO PARTS 2. having or made of two things or parts that are equal or similar •double doors •a double-page advertisement • ‘Otter’ is spelt with a double t. •My extension is two four double 0 (2400). FOR TWO PEOPLE 3. made for two people or things •a double bed/room  compare ↑single adj. (4) COMBINING TWO THINGS 4. combining two things or qualities •a double meaning/purpose/aim • It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap. Word Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin duplus, from duo ‘two’ The verb is from Old French dobler, from late Latin duplare, from duplus. Synonyms: double / dual These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns: Dual describes something that has two parts, uses or aspects. Double can be used with a similar meaning, but when it is used to describe something that has two parts, the two parts are usually the same or very similar. Double, but not dual, can describe something that is made for two people or things, or is twice as big as usual. Idioms: ↑at the double ▪ ↑double or quits Derived: ↑double as something ▪ ↑double back ▪ ↑double somebody up ▪ ↑double up ▪ ↑double up as something determiner TWICE AS MUCH/MANY twice as much or as many as • His income is double hers. •He earns double what she does. •We need double the amount we already have. Word Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin duplus, from duo ‘two’ The verb is from Old French dobler, from late Latin duplare, from duplus. adverb IN TWO PARTS in twos or in two parts •I thought I was seeing double (= seeing two of sth). •Fold the blanket double. •I had to bend double to get under the table. Word Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin duplus, from duo ‘two’ The verb is from Old French dobler, from late Latin duplare, from duplus. noun TWICE AS MUCH/MANY 1. uncountable twice the number or amount • He gets paid double for doing the same job I do. ALCOHOLIC DRINK 2. countable a glass of strong alcoholic drink containing twice the usual amount • Two Scotches, please— and make those doubles, will you? PERSON/THING 3. countable a person or thing that looks exactly like another •She's the double of her mother. 4. countable an actor who replaces another actor in a film/movie to do dangerous or other special things see also ↑body double BEDROOM 5. countable = ↑double room •Is that a single or a double you want? compare ↑single n. (3) IN SPORT 6. doublesuncountable + singular or plural verb a game, especially of ↑tennis, in which one pair plays another •mixed doubles (= in which each pair consists of a man and a woman) compare ↑singles n. (5) 7. the doublesingular the fact of winning two important competitions or beating the same player or team twice, in the same season or year •She's going for the double this year— the Olympics and the World Championship. Word Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin duplus, from duo ‘two’ The verb is from Old French dobler, from late Latin duplare, from duplus. verb BECOME TWICE AS MUCH/MANY 1. intransitive, transitive to become, or make sth become, twice as much or as many • Membership almost doubled in two years. •~ sth Double all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people. FOLD 2. transitive ~ sth (over) to bend or fold sth so that there are two layers •She doubled the blanket and put it under his head. IN BASEBALL 3. intransitive to hit the ball far enough for you to get to second ↑base •He doubled to left field. Verb forms: Word Origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin duplus, from duo ‘two’ The verb is from Old French dobler, from late Latin duplare, from duplus. Example Bank: •The party almost doubled its share of the vote to 21%. •The price of houses has nearly doubled in the last ten years. •The town has approximately doubled in size since 1960. •This percentage could easily double. See also: ↑double or nothing ▪ ↑on the double