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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

vil·lage [village villages] BrE [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] NAmE [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] noun
1. countable a very small town located in a country area
We visited towns and villages all over Spain.
a fishing/mountain/seaside village
• (especially BrE)the village shop
Her books are about village life.  Do not use village to talk about small towns in the US. In NAmE village is used for a small place in another country that seems more old-fashioned than a town in the US.
2. the villagesingular (especially BrE)the people who live in a village
The whole village was invited to the party.

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin villa ‘country house’.

Example Bank:
Our cottage is just outside the village.
She married a man from her home village.
Technology has turned the world into a global village.
The flood affected the town and surrounding villages.
They live in a farming village.
Appledore is a fishing village on the north coast of Devon.
Most basic items are available from the village shop.

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