Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
co kéo

[co kéo]
to tug, to pull
khách đòi về, nhưng chủ cứ co kéo giữ lại
the guest wanted to take leave, but the host detained him by tugging him back
to contrive with little
khéo co kéo mới không nợ
to know how to contrive well with little and keep one's head above water
try to make both ends meet
win round, win over (to one's side)

To tug, to pull
khách đòi về, nhưng chủ cứ co kéo giữ lại the guest wanted to take leave, but the host detained him by tugging him back
To contrive with little
khéo co kéo mới không nợ to know how to contrive well with little and keep one's head above water

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