1. a line determining the limits of an area (Freq. 1) • Syn: boundary, edge • Derivationally related forms: edge (for: edge), bound (for: boundary) • Hypernyms: line • Hyponyms: rim, margin, border, perimeter, periphery, fringe, outer boundary, brink, threshold, verge, upper bound, lower bound, thalweg 2. the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something • Syn: boundary, bounds • Derivationally related forms: bound (for: boundary) • Hypernyms: extremity • Hyponyms: hairline, frontier, heliopause, boundary line, border, borderline, delimitation, mete, bourn, bourne, district line, county line, city line, edge, end, limit, demarcation, demarcation line, outline, lineation, surface, shoreline • Instance Hyponyms: Rubicon, Mohorovicic discontinuity, Moho 3. the greatest possible degree of something - what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior - to the limit of his ability • Syn: limit, boundary • Derivationally related forms: limit (for: limit) • Hypernyms: extent • Hyponyms: knife-edge, starkness, absoluteness, utterness, thermal barrier, thermal barrier, utmost, uttermost, maximum, level best, verge, brink 4. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards • Syn: leap, leaping, spring, saltation, bounce • Derivationally related forms: saltate (for: saltation), spring (for: spring), leap (for: leap) • Hypernyms: jump, jumping • Hyponyms: caper, capriole, pounce
1. move forward by leaps and bounds (Freq. 4) - The horse bounded across the meadow - The child leapt across the puddle - Can you jump over the fence? • Syn: jump, leap, spring • See Also: leap out (for: leap), jump on (for: jump) • Derivationally related forms: spring (for: spring), bounder, leap (for: leap), leaper (for: leap), jump (for: jump), jumping (for: jump) • Hypernyms: move • Hyponyms: pronk, bounce, resile, take a hop, spring, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochet, burst, capriole, galumph, ski jump, saltate, vault, leapfrog, overleap, curvet, hop, skip, hop-skip, caper • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 2. form the boundary of; be contiguous to (Freq. 2) • Syn: border • See Also: border on (for: border) • Derivationally related forms: border (for: border), boundary • Hypernyms: enclose, hold in, confine • Hyponyms: skirt, verge, shore • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 3. place limits on (extent or access) (Freq. 2) - restrict the use of this parking lot - limit the time you can spend with your friends • Syn: restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, confine, throttle • Derivationally related forms: limiter (for: limit), limit (for: limit), limitation (for: limit), trammel (for: trammel), restrainer (for: restrain), restrictive (for: restrict), restriction (for: restrict) • Hypernyms: control, hold in, hold, contain, check, curb, moderate • Hyponyms: reduce, tighten, tie, gate, draw the line, draw a line, mark off, mark out, rule, harness, rein, baffle, regulate, hamper, halter, cramp, strangle, stiffen, tighten up, constrain, clamp down, crack down, inhibit, restrain, encumber, cumber • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP 4. spring back; spring away from an impact (Freq. 1) - The rubber ball bounced - These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide • Syn: bounce, resile, take a hop, spring, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochet • Derivationally related forms: ricochet (for: ricochet), recoil (for: recoil), rebound (for: rebound), spring (for: spring), resilient (for: resile), resiliency (for: resile), bounce (for: bounce) • Hypernyms: jump, leap, spring • Hyponyms: kick back, recoil, kick, skip, bound off, carom • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP
1. confined by bonds (Freq. 4) - bound and gagged hostages • Ant: unbound • Similar to: chained, enchained, fettered, shackled, furled, rolled, pinioned, tethered, trussed, tied, wired • See Also: unfree 2. held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union (Freq. 3) • Ant: free • Similar to: conjugate, conjugated • Topics: chemistry, chemical science, physics, natural philosophy 3. secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form (Freq. 2) - bound volumes - leather-bound volumes • Ant: unbound • Similar to: brassbound, cased, half-bound, paperback, paperbacked, well-bound 4. (usually followed by 'to') governed by fate (Freq. 2) - bound to happen - an old house destined to be demolished - he is destined to be famous • Syn: destined • Similar to: certain, sure 5. covered or wrapped with a bandage (Freq. 1) - the bandaged wound on the back of his head - an injury bound in fresh gauze • Syn: bandaged • Similar to: treated 6. headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in 'college-bound students' (Freq. 1) - children bound for school - a flight destined for New York • Syn: destined • Similar to: oriented, orientated 7. bound by an oath - a bound official • Similar to: sworn 8. bound by contract • Syn: apprenticed, articled, indentured • Similar to: unfree 9. confined in the bowels - he is bound in the belly • Similar to: constipated