1. a division of some larger or more complex organization (Freq. 19) - a branch of Congress - botany is a branch of biology - the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages • Syn: subdivision, arm • Hypernyms: division • Hyponyms: post office, local post office, executive branch, Executive Office of the President, legislative branch, judicial branch 2. a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant (Freq. 15) • Derivationally related forms: branchy • Hypernyms: stalk, stem • Hyponyms: deadwood, limb, tree branch, branchlet, twig, sprig • Part Meronyms: bark 3. a part of a forked or branching shape (Freq. 5) - he broke off one of the branches • Syn: leg, ramification • Derivationally related forms: ramify (for: ramification), branchy • Hypernyms: subfigure • Hyponyms: bifurcation, brachium, fork, crotch • Part Holonyms: furcation, forking 4. a natural consequence of development • Syn: outgrowth, offshoot, offset • Hypernyms: consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot 5. a stream or river connected to a larger one • Hypernyms: stream, watercourse • Hyponyms: billabong, distributary, feeder, tributary, confluent, affluent 6. any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm - the arm of the record player - an arm of the sea - a branch of the sewer • Syn: arm, limb • Hypernyms: projection
1. grow and send out branches or branch-like structures - these plants ramify early and get to be very large • Syn: ramify • Derivationally related forms: ramification (for: ramify) • Hypernyms: grow • Verb Group: ramify, fork, furcate, separate • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 2. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork - The road forks • Syn: ramify, fork, furcate, separate • See Also: branch out • Derivationally related forms: furcation (for: furcate), fork (for: fork), forking (for: fork), ramification (for: ramify) • Hypernyms: diverge • Hyponyms: arborize, arborise, twig, bifurcate, trifurcate • Verb Group: ramify • Verb Frames: - Something ----s