Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers (Freq. 7) - the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent - woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC - she measured off enough material for a dress • Syn: fabric, cloth, material • Hypernyms: artifact, artefact • Hyponyms: aba, acrylic, Aertex, alpaca, baize, basket weave, batik, batiste, belting, bombazine, boucle, broadcloth, brocade, buckram, bunting, calico, cambric, camel's hair, camelhair, camlet, camouflage, camo, canopy, canvas, canvass, cashmere, cerecloth, challis, chambray, chenille, chiffon, chino, chintz, coating, cobweb, cord, corduroy, cotton, cotton flannel, Canton flannel, crepe, crape, cretonne, crinoline, damask, denim, dungaree, jean, diamante, diaper, dimity, doeskin, drapery, duck, duffel, duffle, elastic, etamine, etamin, faille, felt, fiber, fibre, vulcanized fiber, flannel, flannelette, fleece, foulard, frieze, fustian, gabardine, georgette, gingham, grogram, grosgrain, haircloth, hair, herringbone, homespun, hopsacking, hopsack, horsehair, jaconet, jacquard, khadi, khaddar, khaki, knit, lace, lame, leatherette, imitation leather, linen, linsey-woolsey, lint, lisle, mackinaw, mackintosh, macintosh, madras, marseille, metallic, mohair, moire, watered-silk, moleskin, monk's cloth, moquette, moreen, motley, mousseline de sole, muslin, nankeen, net, network, mesh, meshing, meshwork, ninon, nylon, oilcloth, olive drab, organza, paisley, panting, trousering, pepper-and-salt, percale, permanent press, durable press, piece of cloth, piece of material, pilot cloth, pinstripe, pique, plush, polyester, pongee, poplin, print, quilting, rayon, rep, repp, sackcloth, sacking, bagging, sailcloth, samite, sateen, satin, satinet, satinette, screening, scrim, seersucker, serge, shag, shantung, sharkskin, sheeting, shirting, shirttail, silesia, silk, spandex, sponge cloth, stammel, suede cloth, suede, suiting, swan's down, taffeta, tammy, tapa, tappa, tapestry, tapis, tartan, plaid, terry, terry cloth, terrycloth, ticking, toweling, towelling, tweed, twill, upholstery material, Velcro, velour, velours, velvet, velveteen, vicuna, Viyella, voile, wash-and-wear, waterproof, web, webbing, whipcord, wincey, wincey, wool, woolen, woollen, worsted, yoke, pina cloth • Substance Meronyms: warp, woof, weft, filling, pick • Part Meronyms: edging, hem
of or relating to fabrics or fabric making - textile research • Pertains to noun: fabric
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