1. a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth (Freq. 13) • Syn: prevarication • Derivationally related forms: prevaricate (for: prevarication) • Hypernyms: falsehood, falsity, untruth • Hyponyms: fib, story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle, jactitation, whopper, walloper, white lie 2. position or manner in which something is situated • Hypernyms: position, place
1. be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position (Freq. 88) • Hypernyms: be • Hyponyms: nestle, intervene, top, mediate, ride, lap, localize, localise, focalize, focalise, slant, precede, predate, underlie, cap, crest, front, look, face, back, flank, head, dominate, command, overlook, overtop, line, run along, orient, point, look out on, look out over, look across • Verb Group: rest • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP - The children lie in the rocking chair - There lie some children in the rocking chair 2. be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position (Freq. 58) - The sick man lay in bed all day - the books are lying on the shelf • Ant: stand, sit • Hyponyms: sun, sunbathe, sprawl, recumb, repose, recline, overlie, lie awake, bask • Verb Group: lie down • Entailment: lie down • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 3. originate (in) (Freq. 15) - The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country • Syn: dwell, consist, lie in • Hypernyms: exist, be • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP 4. be and remain in a particular state or condition (Freq. 14) - lie dormant • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something ----s Adjective/Noun - Somebody ----s Adjective 5. tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive (Freq. 9) - Don't lie to your parents - She lied when she told me she was only 29 • Derivationally related forms: liar, lying • Hypernyms: misinform, mislead • Hyponyms: romance, perjure, fib • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s to somebody 6. have a place in relation to something else (Freq. 4) - The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West - The responsibility rests with the Allies • Syn: rest • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 7. assume a reclining position (Freq. 4) - lie down on the bed until you feel better • Syn: lie down • Ant: arise (for: lie down) • Hypernyms: change posture • Hyponyms: stretch, stretch out, charge, prostrate, bow down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP