Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
1. candidiasis of the oral cavity; seen mostly in infants or debilitated adults • Hypernyms: candidiasis, moniliasis, monilia disease 2. a woman who sings popular songs • Usage Domain: colloquialism • Hypernyms: singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser 3. songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast • Hypernyms: oscine, oscine bird • Hyponyms: missel thrush, mistle thrush, mistletoe thrush, Turdus viscivorus, song thrush, mavis, throstle, Turdus philomelos, fieldfare, snowbird, Turdus pilaris, redwing, Turdus iliacus, blackbird, merl, merle, ouzel, ousel, European blackbird, Turdus merula, ring ouzel, ring blackbird, ring thrush, Turdus torquatus, robin, American robin, Turdus migratorius, clay-colored robin, Turdus greyi, hermit thrush, Hylocichla guttata, veery, Wilson's thrush, Hylocichla fuscescens, wood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina, nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, thrush nightingale, Luscinia luscinia, Old World chat, chat, solitaire, redstart, redtail, wheatear, bluebird, redbreast, robin redbreast, Old World robin, Erithacus rubecola, bluethroat, Erithacus svecicus • Member Holonyms: Turdidae, family Turdidae
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