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wave UK US [weɪv] verb intransitive or transitive [ waves waving waved ]

1. <I > to raise your hand and move it from side to side as a way of greeting someone, telling them to do something or adding emphasis to an expression
I waved to/at him from the window but he didn't see me.
I was waving my hand madly but he never once looked in my direction.
She was so annoyed she wouldn't even wave us goodbye/wave goodbye to us.
She waves her hands about/around a lot when she's talking.
Thesaurus+: ↑Welcoming, greeting and greetings ↑Gestures with the hands or arms

2. wave sb away/on, etc.
to make a movement with your hand which tells someone to move in a particular direction
You'll have to wait till the policeman waves this line of traffic on.
You can't just wave me away as if I were a child!
Thesaurus+: ↑Gestures with the hands or arms
He would always turn and wave at the end of the street.
They waved at us as we drove by.
Mary waved at the man but he didn't seem to notice.
She suddenly espied someone waving at her from the window.
I wished her a safe journey and waved her off.

3. to move from side to side, or to make something move like this while holding it in the hand
The corn waved gently in the summer breeze.
A crowd of football fans ran down the street waving banners.
He seems to think I can wave a magic wand and everything will be all right.
Thesaurus+: ↑Shaking, swinging and vibrating

4. If hair waves, it curls slightly.
If she leaves her hair to dry on its own, it just waves naturally.
Thesaurus+: ↑Hairdressing
Idiom: say goodbye to something
Phrasal Verbs: wave somebody down wave somebody off wave something aside
noun countable

1. <A > a raised line of water which moves across the surface of an area of water, especially the sea
At night, I listened to the sound of the waves breaking/crashing against the shore.
Thesaurus+: ↑Waves
A large wave swept away half the sandcastle.
The boat was swamped by an enormous wave.
Wind and wave power are now being seriously canvassed as the solution to our energy problems.
A huge wave capsized the yacht.
The murmur of the waves on the beach lulled me to sleep.
2. <A > when you raise your hand and move it from side to side as a way of greeting someone, etc
Give Grandpa a wave goodbye, Alice, you won't see him till next week.
Thesaurus+: ↑Welcoming, greeting and greetings ↑Gestures with the hands or arms

3. <A > the pattern in which some types of energy, such as sound, light and heat, are spread or carried
radio waves
Thesaurus+: ↑The state of matter
The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission.
The unit emits an electromagnetic wave.
Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium wave.
Waves of light and sound are transmitted in every direction.
These sound waves travel at over 1000 feet per second.

4. <A > a larger than usual number of events of a similar, often bad, type, happening within the same period
a crime wave
In the 1970s, the country came close to collapse as it was swept by a wave of strikes.
Thesaurus+: ↑Order and sequence ↑Simultaneous and consecutive

5. a new/second, etc. wave of sth
an activity which is happening again or is being repeated after a pause
A new wave of job losses is expected this year.
Thesaurus+: ↑Repeating an action
The Met Office says that the heat wave will continue for most of the week.
The vineyard is representative of the new wave of wine producers.
Wave on wave of refugees has crossed the border to escape the fighting.
This recent wave of terrorism has ruled out any chance of peace talks.
A wave of strikes swept the country.
6. A wave of an emotion or feeling is a sudden strong feeling which gets stronger as it spreads
A wave of panic swept through the crowd and people started running.
See also brainwave
Thesaurus+: ↑Strong feelings
7. a series of slight curves in a person's hair
Your hair has a natural wave whereas mine's just straight and boring.
See also wavy
Thesaurus+: ↑Hair
Idioms: make waves wave upon wave

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