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Từ điển tiếng Anh - Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary

what UK [wɒt] US [wɑːt] determiner , pronoun , exclamation

1. <E > used to ask for information about people or things
What time is it?
What books did you buy?
What did you wear?
What size shoes do you take?
What happened after I left?
What caused the accident?
Thesaurus+: ↑Question words and expressions
2. <I > used in questions which show you are surprised or do not believe something
"I've just told Peter." "What?/You did what?"
What's this I hear? You're leaving?
Thesaurus+: ↑Question words and expressions

3. what...for?
<I > used to ask about the reason for something
What are these tools for?
What are you doing that for?
"We need a bigger car." "What for?"
Thesaurus+: ↑Question words and expressions
Common errors:
Warning: check your word order!
When what is used in a main clause to ask a question, remember to put the verb before the subject:
What you are doing this summer?
• What are you doing this summer?
When what is used in a subordinate clause, do not put the verb before the subject:
I'm writing to ask you what are you doing this summer.
• I m writing to ask you what you are doing this summer.
What's the matter with you?
What did you think of the film?
What's on at the cinema this week?
What did you say to him?
What kind of dog is that?
Idioms: What is he like? What of it? What's that about? What's up? what about? what if? what's on

1. <E > the thing(s) which; that which
What I wanted to find out first was how long it was going to take.
What really concerned her was how unhappy the child was.
She wouldn't tell me what he said.
I hadn't got much money on me but I gave them what I had.
The letter showed clearly what they were planning.
I can't decide what to do next.
Have you thought about what to send as a present?
Thesaurus+: ↑Relative forms
2. <I > used to introduce something you are going to say
You'll never guess what - Laurie won first prize!
I'll tell you what - we'll collect the parcel on our way to the station.
Thesaurus+: ↑Relative forms
Common errors:
Warning: choose the correct pronoun!
To add extra information to a previous clause, don't say 'what', say which:
I also speak English, what might be useful in this job.
• I also speak English, which might be useful in this job.
His story of what happened that night didn't correspond with the witness's version.
Please describe to the court exactly what you saw.
If you'd told me what was wrong I could have helped.
They need clear instructions on what to do next.
It's unclear what actually happened that night.
Idioms: and what have you what somebody says goes what with what's more
predeterminer , determiner
used to introduce your opinion
"She can't come." "What a shame/pity."
What a lovely view!
What nonsense/rubbish!
What strange clothes he was wearing.
Thesaurus+: ↑Expressing and asking opinions ↑Remarks and remarking ↑Controlling emotions
pronoun , exclamation informal
used to ask someone to say something again
"I think we should leave at twelve." "What?" "I said I think we should leave at twelve."
Thesaurus+: ↑Question words and expressions

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