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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.away1 S1 W1 /əˈweɪ/ BrE AmE adverb
[Language: Old English; Origin: onweg, aweg, from on + weg 'way']
1. used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or person:
Go away!
Dinah was crying as she drove slowly away.
away from
Stay away from the fire.
2. towards a different direction:
She turned away and stared out of the window.
Charley blushed and looked away, embarrassed.
3. if someone is away from school, work, or home, they are not there SYN absent:
Simon is away with flu.
Kate is away on holiday.
away from
You must bring a note from your parents if you’ve been away from school.
4. used to say how far it is to a place or thing
five miles/ten feet etc away
Geneva is about 20 miles away.
There’s another hotel not far away.
away from
She was sitting ten feet away from the microphone.
five minutes/two hours etc away
The beach is only five minutes away (=it only takes five minutes to get there).
5. if an event is two days, three weeks etc away, it will happen after that period of time has passed:
Christmas is only a month away.
6. used to say how close someone is to achieving something or experiencing something
away from
At one stage, they were just two points away from victory.
7. into or in a safe or enclosed place:
Put your money away, I’m paying.
Thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away.
8. used to show that something disappears or is removed:
The music died away.
Ruben gave all his money away to charity.
Support for the Democrats has dropped away.
Cut away all the dead wood.
9. used to emphasize that an action continues:
Sue was singing away to herself in the bath.
They’ve been hammering away all day.
10. used to say that someone spends the whole of a period of time doing something:
You can dance the night away in one of Benidorm’s many discos.
11. if a team is playing away, it is playing a game at its opponent’s field or sports hall OPP at home:
Liverpool are playing away at Everton on Saturday.
far and away at ↑far1(12), ⇨ right away at ↑right3(2), ⇨ straight away at ↑straight1(7)
II.away2 BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]
an away game or match is played at your opponent’s field or sports hall OPP home

phó từ
xa, xa cách, rời xa, xa ra, đi (xa)
away from home
xa nhà
to stand away from the rest
đứng cách xa những người khác
to fly away
bay đi
to go away
rời đi, đi khỏi, đi xa
to throw away
ném đi; ném ra xa
away with you!
cút đi! ra chỗ khác!
biến đi, mất đi, hết đi
to boil away
sôi cạn đi
to gamble away all one's money
cờ bạc hết sạch cả tiền của
to make away with oneself
tự tử
to do away with somebody
khử ai đi
to pass away
to food away one's time
lãng phí hết thời gian vào những việc làm nhảm, tầm phào
không ngừng liên tục
to work (peg) away for six hours
làm việc liên tục trong sáu tiếng liền
không chậm trễ, ngay lập tức
speak away!
nói (ngay) đi!
right away
ngay tức thì
away back
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) từ cách đây đã lâu
away off
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) xa lắc xa lơ
away with it!
vứt nó đi!; tống khứ nó đi!
far and away
bỏ xa, hơn hẳn, không thể so sánh được
tất nhiên, dĩ nhiên, chắc chắn, không nghi ngờ gì nữa
who's the best shot? - Mr. Smith, far and away
Ai bắn giỏi nhất? -Tất nhiên là ông Xmít chứ còn ai nữa
out and away
(xem) out
to be away
vắng mặt
You want to see my father, don't you ? But he's away.
Ông cần gặp ba tôi phải không? Nhưng ba tôi không có ở nhà

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