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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

behave S3 W3 /bɪˈheɪv/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive]
[Word Family: noun
[Date: 1400-1500; Origin: have 'to hold or bear (yourself), behave' (14-16 centuries)]
1. [always + adverb/preposition] to do things that are good, bad, sensible etc SYN act:
She behaved in a very responsible way.
behave towards
I think he behaved disgracefully towards you.
behave like
grown men behaving like schoolboys
behave as if/though
He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was an adult.
2. (also behave yourself) to not do things that annoy or offend people OPP misbehave:
Will you children please behave!
I hope Nicholas behaved himself at the party.
a badly-behaved class
3. [always + adverb/preposition] if something behaves in a particular way, it does those things:
Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.
• • •
behave to do and say things that are good, bad, normal, strange etc: His teacher said he’d been behaving badly at school. | I’m not going to talk to her until she starts behaving reasonably. | Oh, be quiet! You’re behaving like a two-year-old.
act to behave in a particular way, especially in a way that seems unusual, surprising, or annoying to other people: Tina’s been acting very strangely lately. | What makes grown people act like that?
treat to behave towards someone or deal with someone in a particular way: She said that he’d treated her really badly throughout their two-year marriage. | I’m sick of my parents treating me like a child.
conform to behave in the way that most other people in your group or society behave: Young people sometimes want to rebel and therefore they refuse to conform. | Society typically brings pressure on individuals and groups to conform to civilised norms.
conduct yourself formal to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people will notice and judge the way you behave: Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly, even in their private lives. | By the end of the course, you should be able to conduct yourself with confidence in any meeting.

động từ
ăn ở, đối xử, cư xử
to behave kindly towards someone
đối xử tốt với ai
chạy (máy móc...)
how is your new watch behaving?
cái đồng hồ đeo tay mới của anh chạy như thế nào?
to behave oneself
ăn ở (cư xử) cho phải phép
he doesn't know how to behave himself
hắn chẳng biết cư xử sao cho phải phép

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