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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.finger1 S2 W2 /ˈfɪŋɡə $ -ər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English]

1. PART OF YOUR HAND one of the four long thin parts on your hand, not including your thumb:
The woman had a ring on her finger, so I assumed she was married.
We ate with our fingers.
run your fingers through/over/along etc something
She ran her fingers through his hair. ⇨ ↑index finger, ↑little finger, ↑forefinger, ↑middle finger, ↑ring finger
2. cross your fingers
a) to hope that something will happen the way you want:
We’re keeping our fingers crossed that she’s going to be OK.
b) to secretly put one finger over another finger, because you are telling a lie – done especially by children:
‘He’s nice,’ said Laura, crossing her fingers under the table.
3. not lift/raise a finger to not make any effort to help someone with their work:
I do all the work around the house – Frank never lifts a finger.
4. put your finger on something to know or be able to explain exactly what is wrong, different, or unusual about a situation:
There was something about the man that worried Wycliffe, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
5. not lay a finger on somebody to not hurt someone at all, especially to not hit them:
Don’t lay a finger on me, or I’ll call the police!
6. have/keep your finger on the pulse (of something) to always know about the most recent changes or developments in a particular situation or activity:
people who have their finger on the pulse of fashion and pop culture
7. have a finger in every pie/ in many pies to be involved in many activities and to have influence over a lot of people, used especially when you think someone has too much influence
8. twist/wrap/wind somebody around your little finger to be able to persuade someone to do anything that you want:
Ed could wrap his mother around his little finger.
9. the finger of blame/suspicion:
The finger of suspicion immediately fell on Broderick.
10. OF A GLOVE the part of a ↑glove that covers your finger
11. SHAPED LIKE A FINGER anything that is long and thin, like the shape of a finger, especially a piece of land, an area of water, or a piece of food:
fish fingers
chocolate fingers
finger of
the long finger of Chile
12. pull/get your finger out British English informal used to tell someone to work harder
13. put two fingers up at somebody British English informal to show someone you are angry with them in a very offensive way by holding up your first two fingers with the back of your hand facing them
14. give somebody the finger American English informal to show someone you are angry with them in a very offensive way by holding up your middle finger with the back of your hand facing them
15. be all fingers and thumbs British English to use your hands in an awkward or careless way, so that you drop or break things
16. long-fingered/slim-fingered etc having long fingers, slim fingers etc:
lovely long-fingered hands
17. DRINK an amount of an alcoholic drink that is as high in the glass as the width of someone’s finger:
two fingers of whiskey
⇨ ↑butterfingers, ↑fish finger, ⇨ have your hands/fingers in the till at ↑till2(3), ⇨ count something on the fingers of one hand at ↑count1(7), ⇨ have green fingers at ↑green1(10), ⇨ burn your fingers/get your fingers burnt at ↑burn1(16), ⇨ point the/a finger at somebody at ↑point2(9), ⇨ let something slip through your fingers at ↑slip1(15), ⇨ snap your fingers at ↑snap1(7), ⇨ have sticky fingers at ↑sticky(6), ⇨ work your fingers to the bone at ↑work1(29)
II.finger2 BrE AmE verb
1. to touch or handle something with your fingers:
She fingered the beautiful cloth.
2. informal if someone, especially a criminal, fingers another criminal, they tell the police what that person has done
• • •
touch to put your fingers or hand onto someone or something for a very short time: Don’t touch the iron – it’s hot!
feel to touch something with your fingers in order to find out about it: Feel how soft this material is. | I felt his forehead. It was cold.
handle to touch something and pick it up and hold it in your hands: Children should always wash their hands before handling food. | The glass was very fragile, and she handled it with great care. | Please do not handle the merchandise.
finger to touch or handle something with your fingers, especially while you are thinking of other things: She fingered the heavy necklace around her neck.
rub to move your hand over a surface while pressing it: Bob rubbed his eyes and yawned.
scratch to rub part of your body with your nails, often because it ITCHES: The dog kept scratching its ear. | Bob scratched his head thoughtfully.
tickle to move your fingers lightly over someone’s body in order to make them laugh: The baby giggled as I tickled him.
grope to touch someone’s body in a sexual way when they do not want to be touched: The officer was accused of groping several women in his platoon.



We have five fingers on each hand.

danh từ
ngón tay
ngón tay bao găng
vật hình ngón tay (trong máy...)
to burn one's fingers
to get one's fingers burnt
bị thất thế, bị thua thiệt
to cross one's fingers
hy vọng
to pull one's fingers out
làm khẩn trương hơn
to let something slip through one's fingers
buông lỏng cái gì
to lay a finger on
sờ vào, mó vào
to snap one's finger
búng ngón tay tách tách
to lift (stir) a finger
nhích ngón tay (là được)
to look through one's fingers at
vờ không trông thấy
my fingers itch
tôi sốt ruột, tôi nóng lòng (muốn làm cái gì)
his fingers are all thumbs
(xem) thumbs
to put one's finger on
vạch đúng (những cái gì sai trái)
to turn (twist) someone round one's finger
mơn trớn ai
with a wet finger
dễ dàng, thoải mái
to have a finger in every pie
có liên can (dính líu)
to have one's fingers in the till
thụt két, biển thủ công quỹ
to work one's fingers to the bone
cật lực làm việc
sticky fingers
nhám tay, hay ăn cắp vặt
ngoại động từ
sờ mó
to finger a piece of cloth
sờ xem một tấm vải
ăn tiền, ăn hối lộ
to finger someone's money
ăn tiền của ai
đánh (đàn); búng (dây đàn bằng ngón tay)
to finger the piano
đánh pianô
ghi cách sử dụng các ngón tay (vào bản nhạc)

saying & slang
accuse, blame
He was fingered for the crime, but he didn't steal anything.

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