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I.fuel1 S3 W2 /ˈfjuːəl/ BrE AmE noun
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: fouaille, from feu 'fire', from Latin focus; ⇨ ↑focus1]
[uncountable and countable] a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy:
Coal is one of the cheapest fuels.
add fuel to the fire/flames at ↑add(9)
• • •
a fossil fuel (=a fuel such as coal or oil, produced by the gradual decaying of plants and animals) Global warming may be caused by burning fossil fuels.
nuclear fuel What do we do with the spent nuclear fuel?
solid fuel (=a solid substance, such as coal, that is used as a fuel) The number of homes using solid fuel for heating has decreased.
domestic/household fuel (=used in a house) There has been a sharp rise in domestic fuel costs.
smokeless fuel (=that burns without producing smoke) The government is trying to encourage the use of environmentally-friendly smokeless fuels.
unleaded fuel (=that does not contain lead) Modern cars run on unleaded fuel.
a green fuel (=a fuel that harms the environment as little as possible) Are green fuels, like Biodiesel, really the solution to our fuel crisis?
a clean fuel (=fuel that does not harm the environment) The proposal is to cut tax on cars that run on clean fuel.
aviation fuel (=used used by planes) high-octane aviation fuel
use fuel People need to learn how to use fuel more efficiently.
run on fuel (=use fuel as the source of power) Will this engine run on unleaded fuel?
run out of fuel (=use all the fuel available and have none left) The ship ran out of fuel and drifted helplessly.
fill up with fuel (=put fuel in a vehicle's fuel tank) Before leaving, I filled up with fuel at the local petrol station.
save fuel You can save fuel by not driving too fast.
waste fuel The booklet gives helpful tips on how to avoid wasting fuel.
fuel + NOUN
fuel costs/prices The increase in fuel costs is severely affecting pensioners.
a fuel bill Insulating your house will cut your fuel bill.
a fuel tank (=a container for storing fuel) The fuel tank holds 14 gallons of petrol.
a fuel gauge (=an instrument for measuring fuel) I noticed the fuel gauge was on empty so I pulled into the nearest gas station.
a fuel pump (=a machine that forces fuel into an engine) The car's fuel pump was leaking.
fuel consumption (=amount used) Fuel consumption averages 54 miles per gallon.
fuel economy/efficiency (=how well a vehicle uses fuel, without wasting any) Greater engine efficiency has led to improved fuel economy.
something is running low on fuel (=it does not have much fuel left) The plane was running low on fuel.
II.fuel2 BrE AmE verb
(past tense and past participle fuelled, present participle fuelling British English, fueled, fueling American English)
1. [transitive] to make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger SYN provoke:
His words fuelled her anger still more.
fuel speculation/rumours/controversy etc
Progress was slow, fueling concerns that the stadium would not be finished on time.
2. (also fuel up) [intransitive and transitive] if you fuel a vehicle, or if it fuels up, fuel is put into it SYN fill up:
We’d better fuel up at the next town.
The van was fuelled and waiting in the basement car park.

danh từ
chất đốt, nhiên liệu
cái khích động
to add fuel to the flames (to the fire)
lửa cháy đổ thêm dầu
ngoại động từ
cung cấp chất đốt
to fuel a ship
cung cấp chất đốt cho một chiếc tàu
nội động từ
lấy chất đốt (tàu...)

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