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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.near1 S1 W1 /nɪə $ nɪr/ BrE AmE adverb, preposition
1. SHORT DISTANCE AWAY only a short distance from a person or thing ⇨ close, nearby:
They live near London.
I’m sure they live somewhere near here.
They moved house to be nearer the school.
near to especially British English:
a hotel near to the beach
She told the children not to go near the canal.
I’m warning you – don’t come any nearer!
We heard voices as we drew near the village.
The form near is not often used as an adverb without to, except in the phrase quite near:
The school is quite near.
However, the comparative nearer is often used as an adverb:
The sound got nearer and nearer.

Do not say 'near from something'. Use to after near.
2. SHORT TIME BEFORE soon before a particular time or event:
I didn’t remember to phone until near the end of the week.
near to especially British English:
I’ll give you a ring a bit nearer to Christmas.
They should send us more details nearer the time of the concert.
3. ALMOST DOING SOMETHING almost doing something or almost in a particular state:
The work is now near completion.
A lot of the women were near tears.
We are no nearer an agreement than we were six months ago.
near to
He was near to panic as he scrambled out of the building.
She was near to crying.
He seemed to know that he was near to death.
4. AMOUNT OR LEVEL almost at a particular amount or level:
Inflation is now near 10%.
He looked nearer fifty than forty.
near to
Unemployment is now near to its all-time low.
Strawberries are near the top of the list.
5. SIMILAR if something is near something else, it is similar to it:
His story was near enough the truth for people to believe it.
near to
They say that love is very near to hate.
It may not be an exact replica but it’s pretty damn near.
6. near perfect/impossible etc almost perfect, impossible etc:
a near impossible task
7. draw near if an event is drawing near, it is nearly time for it to happen:
The day of his interview was drawing near.
8. (as) near as damn it British English spoken used to say that something is very nearly true or correct:
The repairs will cost us £1000, as near as damn it.
9. near enough British English used to say that something is nearly true or correct:
It’s eleven o'clock, near enough.
All three car parks were full, near enough.
10. nowhere near/not anywhere near used before an adjective or adverb to say that something is definitely not true:
That’s nowhere near enough money!
The job wasn’t anywhere near finished.
11. not come near somebody/something if one person or thing does not come near another one, it is not at all as good as the other one:
None of the other word processing programs comes near this one.
12. somebody will not go near somebody/something if someone will not go near a person or thing, they dislike or are frightened of them and will not speak to the person or use the thing:
He refused to go near a doctor.
He made up his mind never to go near a motorcycle again.
13. so near and yet so far used to emphasize that someone very nearly achieved or got something
• • •
near only a short distance from something or someone: I live near Salzburg in Austria. | If we moved to Dallas, we’d be near my parents.
close very near something or someone, or almost touching them: The hotel is close to the beach. | Nancy came and sat close beside me on the bed.
not far (away) not a long distance away – used when saying that a place is near enough to be easy to get to: The station’s not far away from here.
nearby near here or near a particular place: Is there a post office nearby? | A group of reporters were waiting nearby.
within walking distance (of something) easy to walk to from somewhere, or near enough to something for you to walk there: There’s a good school within walking distance. | The house is within walking distance of shopping facilities.
be convenient for something British English, be convenient to something American English to be near a place that people want to get to, so that the place is easy to reach: The area is very convenient for Gatwick airport. | I want a hotel that’s convenient for the city centre.
locally in or near the area where you are or the area you are talking about: I prefer to buy fruit and vegetables that are grown locally.
around here (also round here British English) spoken in the general area near here: Parking is impossible around here. | Is there a garage round here?
in the neighbourhood British English, in the neighborhood American English living or existing in the area where you are or the area you are talking about: We grew up knowing all the other kids in the neighbourhood. | There’s very little crime in the neighborhood.
in the vicinity formal in the area around and near a particular place – used especially in news reports: A white van was seen in the vicinity at the time the murder took place.
neighbouring British English, neighboring American English used about towns, countries etc that are very near a particular place: discussions between Egypt and neighbouring states | The rioting quickly spread to neighbouring areas.
II.near2 S2 W3 BrE AmE adjective
1. only a short distance away from someone or something ⇨ close, nearby:
It’s a beautiful house but it’s 20 miles away from the nearest town.
We can meet at the pub or in the restaurant, whichever’s nearer for you.
The form near is not used with this meaning before a noun. Use nearby instead:
a nearby park
However, the superlative nearest is often used before a noun:
They headed for the nearest beach.
2. a near disaster/collapse etc almost a ↑disaster, ↑collapse etc:
The election was a near disaster for the Conservative party.
3. the nearest thing/equivalent to something the thing you have that is most like a particular type of thing:
He’s the nearest thing to a father I’ve got.
4. in the near future soon:
They promised to contact us again in the near future.
5. be a near thing British English
a) if something you succeed in doing is a near thing, you manage to succeed but you nearly failed:
They won the championship, but it was a near thing.
b) used to say that you just managed to avoid a dangerous or unpleasant situation:
That was a near thing – that truck was heading straight for us.
6. near miss
a) when a bomb, plane, car etc nearly hits something but does not:
a near miss between two passenger aircraft over the airport
b) a situation in which something almost happens, or someone almost achieves something
7. to the nearest £10/hundred etc an amount to the nearest £10, hundred etc is the number nearest to it that can be divided by £10, a hundred etc:
Give me the car mileage to the nearest thousand.
a) near relative/relation a relative who is very closely related to you such as a parent:
The death of a near relative is a terrible trauma for a child.
b) sb’s nearest and dearest someone’s family – used humorously
9. [only before noun, no comparative]
a) used to describe the side of something that is closest to where you are:
the near bank of the river
b) British English used when talking about the parts of a vehicle to mean the one that is closest to the side of the road when you drive OPP off:
The headlight on the near side isn’t working.
⇨ ↑nearly
—nearness noun
III.near3 BrE AmE verb
1. [transitive] to come closer to a place SYN approach:
She began to feel nervous as she neared the house.
The ship was nearing the harbour.
2. [transitive] to come closer to being in a particular state:
The work is nearing completion.
He’s 55 now, and nearing retirement.
3. [transitive] to come closer to a particular time:
He was nearing the end of his stay in India.
4. [intransitive] if a time nears, it gets closer and will come soon:
He got more and more nervous as the day of his departure neared.

tính từ
trong một khoảng không gian hoặc thời gian ngắn cách ai/cái gì; gần
the school is quite near
trường học rất gần
those shops are nearest
các cửa hàng đó là gần nhất
where's the nearest bus-stop?
trạm xe búyt gần nhất ở đâu?
the supermarket is very near (to) the station
siêu thị ở rất gần nhà ga
we hope to move to the country in the near future
chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ chuyển về ở nông thôn trong thời gian gần đây
my exams are getting nearer
đã gần đến ngày thi của tôi
4.15 is too near to the time of departure
4 giờ 15 là gần sát với giờ khởi hành
có quan hệ (họ hàng) mật thiết
a near relation/relative
một người bà con gần
the nearest member of my family still alive is a rather distant cousin
người họ hàng gần nhất của gia đình tôi còn sống là một người con ông bác khá xa
near and dear friend
bạn chí thân
tương tự; gần giống
we don't have that colour in stock - this is the nearest
chúng tôi không có sẵn màu đó - đây có màu tương tự
this copy is nearer the original than the others I've seen
bản sao này gần giống với bản gốc hơn các bản sao khác mà tôi từng thấy
near resemblance
sự giống lắm
a near translation
bản dịch sát nghĩa
chi ly, chắt bóp, keo kiệt
to be very near with one's money
rất chi ly đối với đồng tiền
bên trái ((cũng) nearside)
the near side of the road
bên trái đường
the near wheel of a car
bánh xe bên trái
the near foreleg of a horse
chân trái đằng trước của con ngựa
tiền tố
gần như; hầu như
gần như hoàn hảo
a near-vertical tree
một cái cây gần như thẳng đứng
one's nearest and dearest
gia đình thân thuộc của mình
in the near distance
ngay trước mắt
close/dear/near to somebody's heart
rất gần gũi với ai; rất được ai quan tâm
a close/near thing
xem thing
close/near to home
xem home
or near(est) offer (viết tắt là ono)
hoặc là một số tiền ít hơn giá đã ghi nhưng nhiều hơn các giá chào khác
a near miss
(bom, đạn) gần trúng đích; tình huống mà mình vừa mới tránh được
phó từ
cách một khoảng ngắn; gần
we found some shops quite near
chúng tôi tìm được mấy cửa hàng rất gần
did you sit near enough to see the main actress?
các bạn có ngồi đủ gần để thấy cô đào chính hay không?
near at hand
gần ngay bên; gần tới nơi
near by
ở gần, ở bên
do they live near/near by?
họ sống ở gần đây à?
the beach is quite near by
bãi biển rất gần đây
near by, the cars could be heard speeding fast on the motorway?
ở gần, có thể nghe tiếng xe hơi phóng nhanh trên xa lộ
chi ly, chắt bóp, keo kiệt
to live very near
sống chắt bóp
as near as
cũng chính xác như, cũng đúng như
as near as dammit, as near as makes no difference
súyt soát, xê xích
it's going to cost 200 francs or as near as dammit
cái đó giá sẽ đến 200 frăng hoặc súyt soát thế
so near and yet so far
(dùng để bình luận một sự cố gắng gần (như) thành công nhưng rồi lại thất bại); đến miệng rồi còn để rơi mất
far and near/wide
xem far
not anywhere/nowhere near
chắc là không; còn lâu
giới từ
chỉ có một khoảng cách ngắn hoặc một khoảng thời gian ngắn ở giữa; gần
Bradford is near Leeds
Bradford ở gần Leeds
to stand near the fire
đứng gần lò sưởi
my birthday is very near Christmas
sinh nhật của tôi rất gần ngày lễ Nôen
is there a cinema near here?
có rạp chiếu bóng gần đây không?
gần giống, theo kịp
who comes near him in self-denial?
ai theo kịp được anh ấy về tinh thần hy sinh?
to be/come near to sth/doing sth
gần đạt tới điều gì
I came near to screaming
tôi gần như kêu lên
ngoại động từ
đến gần (cái gì) về không gian hoặc thời gian; đến gần; xích lại gần
to be nearing one's end
sắp chết
the day is nearing when we'll have to decide
đã sắp đến ngày chúng tôi phải quyết định
the job is at last nearing completion
cuối cùng rồi công việc cũng sắp hoàn thành
the ship was nearing the land
tàu sắp tới đất liền
luckily, the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss
may mà chiếc xe chở hàng chạy đằng trước chúng tôi trượt ra khỏi đường về phía trái chúng tôi, nhưng mà cũng là một phen hú vía
there are fifty soldiers in this village, as near as he can judge
có năm mươi binh sĩ trong làng này, đúng như anh ta phán đoán
the house is nowhere near clean
căn nhà chắc là không sạch
I've nowhere near enough for the fare
mình còn lâu mới đủ tiền mua vé
there wasn't anywhere near enough to eat and drink
chắc chắn là không đủ để ăn uống
it's nowhere near the colour I'm looking for
nó khác xa với màu mình đang đi tìm
she was near to tears
cô ta gần như khóc
he fell near to death
nó ngã xuống gần chết

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