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penny S1 /ˈpeni/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: penning, penig]
a) (plural pence) (abbreviation p) a small unit of money in Britain. There are 100 pence in one pound:
The bus fare is 80 pence.
a 50p piece (=coin)
A loaf of bread costs 70p.
b) (plural pennies) a coin worth one penny:
I’ve only got a few pennies left.
2. (plural pennies) a coin that is worth one ↑cent in the US or Canada. One hundred pennies are equal to $1.
3. (plural pennies or pence) (written abbreviation d) a British unit of money or coin used until 1971. There were 12 pennies in one ↑shilling
twopence/threepence etc
a book costing only sixpence
fourpenny/sixpenny etc
a fourpenny cigar
a threepenny bit (=coin)
4. not a penny used to emphasize that someone has no money or that something did not cost any money:
I haven’t got a penny on me.
It didn’t cost me a penny.
He died without a penny to his name.
5. every penny all of an amount of money:
The hotel was expensive but it was worth every penny.
every penny of
He was determined to go to Australia even if it took every penny of his savings.
6. every penny counts used to say that money is needed and even a small amount is important:
Every penny counts in the battle to save the rain forests.
7. the/your last penny the only money that is left:
She’s down to her last penny.
8. a penny for your thoughts/a penny for them spoken used to ask someone who is silent what they are thinking about
9. in for a penny, in for a pound spoken used to say that because you are already involved in something, you will complete it whatever time, money, or effort is needed:
Oh well, it’s done now. In for a penny, in for a pound.
10. the penny (has) dropped British English informal used to say that someone has finally understood something that they had not understood before
11. be two/ten a penny British English to be very common and easy to get, or cheap – used to show disapproval:
Rings like these are ten a penny.
12. turn up like a bad penny British English if someone you dislike turns up like a bad penny, they appear when they are not wanted
⇨ ↑halfpenny, ⇨ spend a penny at ↑spend(5), ⇨ cost a pretty penny at ↑pretty2(6)



A penny is a coin worth one cent.

danh từ, số nhiều pence chỉ giá trị, pennies chỉ số đồng tiền
đồng xu penni (1 qoành 2 silinh)
it costs ten pence
cái đó giá 10 xu
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) đồng xu (1 qoành 00 đô la)
(nghĩa bóng) số tiền
a pretty penny
một số tiền kha khá
in for a penny, in for a pound
việc đã làm thì phải làm đến nơi đến chốn
a penny for your thoughts?
anh đang nghĩ gì mà mê mải thế?
a penny blood
tiểu thuyết rùng rợn
a penny saved is penny gained
tiết kiệm đồng nào hay đồng ấy
to look twice at every penny
chú ý từng xu
take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves
nhịn trầu mua trâu
to turn an honest penny
làm ăn lương thiện
to turn up like a bad penny
(thông tục) đến không đúng lúc
the penny drops
bây giờ mới hiểu cái mà trước đây không hiểu
I'd to explain the problem to her several times before the penny finally dropped
tôi phải giải thích cho cô ta mấy lần rồi cô ta mới hiểu được vấn đề

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