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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

pie S2 /paɪ/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable and countable]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Perhaps from pie 'magpie' ( ⇨ ↑magpie); because the different things in a pie are like the different things a magpie collects]

1. fruit baked inside a ↑pastry covering
slice/piece of pie
Would you like another piece of apple pie?
2. British English meat or vegetables baked inside a ↑pastry or potato covering:
I had steak and kidney pie with chips.
3. slice/share/piece of the pie a share of something such as money, profits etc:
The smaller companies want a bigger share of the pie.
4. pie in the sky something good that someone says will happen, but which you think is impossible or unlikely:
Hope of a cure is just pie in the sky. ⇨ ↑mud pie, ↑pie chart, ⇨ easy as pie at ↑easy1(1), ⇨ eat humble pie at ↑humble1(6), ⇨ have a finger in every pie at ↑finger1(7), ⇨ be as nice as pie at ↑nice(11)



A pie is a dessert that is made with fruit and has a crust.

danh từ
bánh pa-tê, bánh nướng; bánh hấp
meat pie
bánh pa-tê
jam pie
bánh nướng nhân mứt
cream pie
bánh kem
mud pie
bánh đất, bánh cát bánh bùn (trẻ con nghịch)
(động vật học) chim ác là
đống chữ in lộn xộn
(nghĩa bóng) sự hỗn độn, sự lộn xộn
to eat humble pie
xem humble
to have a finger in the pie
có dính dáng đến việc ấy, có nhúng tay vào việc ấy
pie in the sky
một sự kiện trong dự kiến rất khó có thể xảy ra
ngoại động từ
trộn lộn xộn (chữ in)

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