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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.pretty1 S1 W3 /ˈprɪti/ BrE AmE adverb [+ adjective/adverb] spoken
1. fairly or more than a little:
I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.
She still looks pretty miserable.
In written English, people usually avoid pretty and use fairly instead:
The consequences of this are fairly obvious.
2. very:
Dinner at Luigi’s sounds pretty good to me.
3. pretty well/much almost completely:
He hit the ball pretty well exactly where he wanted it.
The guard left us pretty much alone.
They’re all pretty much the same.
4. pretty nearly (also pretty near American English) almost:
The shock of Pat’s death pretty near killed Roy.
be sitting pretty at ↑sit(9)
• • •
rather/quite especially British English more than a little, but less than very. British people often use these words before adjectives in conversation. In many cases they do not intend to change the meaning – it is just something that people say: She seemed rather unhappy. | It's rather a difficult question. | It’s getting quite late. | Malaria is rather common in this area.
fairly rather. Fairly is used in both British and American English: The test was fairly easy. | It’s a fairly long way to the next town.
pretty spoken rather. Pretty is more informal than the other words and is used in spoken English: Her French is pretty good. | We’re in a pretty strong position.
reasonably to a satisfactory level or degree: He plays reasonably well. | Let's just say that I am reasonably confident we'll win.
moderately formal more than a little, but not very: Her family was moderately wealthy. | The food was moderately good, but not as good as the food in the other restaurants. | Use a moderately high heat. | a moderately difficult climb
somewhat formal fairly or to a small degree. Somewhat is used especially when talking about the size or degree of something. It is often used in comparatives: The celebrations were somewhat larger than last year’s. | He looked somewhat irritated. | a somewhat surprising decision
II.pretty2 S2 W3 BrE AmE adjective
(comparative prettier, superlative prettiest)
[Language: Old English; Origin: prættig 'tricky', from prætt 'trick']
1. a woman or child who is pretty has a nice attractive face:
a pretty little girl
Maria looks much prettier with her hair cut short.
2. something that is pretty is pleasant to look at or listen to but is not impressive:
a pretty dress
The tune is pretty.
What a pretty little garden!
3. not a pretty sight very unpleasant to look at – sometimes used humorously:
After a night’s drinking, Al was not a pretty sight.
4. not just a pretty face spoken used humorously to say that someone is intelligent, when people think this is surprising:
I’m not just a pretty face, you know!
5. come to a pretty pass old-fashioned used to say that a very bad situation has developed:
Things have come to a pretty pass, if you can’t say what you think without causing a fight.
6. cost a pretty penny old-fashioned to cost a lot of money
7. pretty as a picture old-fashioned very pretty
—prettily adverb:
Charlotte sang very prettily.
—prettiness noun [uncountable]

tính từ so sánh
xinh, xinh xắn, xinh đẹp
a pretty child
đứa bé xinh xắn
a pretty tune
một giai điệu dễ thương
what a pretty dress !
cái áo xinh quá!
hay hay, thú vị, đẹp mắt
a pretty story
câu chuyện thú vị
a pretty song
bài hát hay hay
a pretty scenery
cảnh đẹp mắt
đẹp, hay, cừ, tốt...
a pretty wit
một lời dí dỏm hay
a very pretty sport
môn thể thao rất tốt, môn thể thao rất hay
(mỉa mai) hay gớm, hay ho gớm; không dễ chịu, không thú vị
that is a pretty business
việc hay ho gớm
a pretty mess you have made!
anh làm được cái việc hay ho gớm!
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) lớn, kha khá
to earn a pretty sum
kiếm được món tiền kha khá
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) dũng cảm, gan dạ; cường tráng, mạnh mẽ
a pretty dellow
một người dũng cảm
a pretty penny
nhiều tiền
not just a pretty face
không phải chỉ là người hấp dẫn bề ngoài mà còn những đức tính, khả năng khác
danh từ
dùng để âu yếm người mình yêu thích
my pretty
con nhỏ của tôi, bé xinh của mẹ
(số nhiều) đồ xinh xắn, đồ trang hoàng xinh xinh
phó từ
khá, vừa phải
pretty good
khá tốt
pretty hot
khá nóng
pretty much/nearly/well
hầu như, gần như
that is pretty much the same thing
cái đó thì hầu như cũng như vậy thôi (chắng khác gì)
sitting pretty
(thông tục) gặp may

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