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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.resort1 W3 /rɪˈzɔːt $ -ɔːrt/ BrE AmE noun
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: resortir 'to come back, resort', from sortir 'to go out']
1. [countable] a place where a lot of people go for holidays
seaside/beach/ski etc resort
Aspen, a ski resort in Colorado
Lagoon Reef is one of the best resort hotels.
2. last/final resort what you will do if everything else fails
as a last resort
Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.
of last resort
a weapon of last resort
in the last resort British English:
Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.
3. first resort what you will do first before you try other things:
In the past, your family was the first resort when looking for a job.
4. resort to something formal when you must use or depend on something because nothing better is available
without resort to something
We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force.
• • •
a tourist resort There are plans to turn the town into a tourist resort.
a seaside/beach resort We stayed in a relaxed beach resort on the east coast.
a mountain resort mountain resorts in Colorado
a lakeside resort the popular lakeside resort of Lake Como
a holiday resort Benidorm is a terrific holiday resort.
a ski resort The lack of snow is causing problems for ski resorts.
a health resort We booked ourselves into a health resort for a weekend of pure indulgence.
a popular resort The popular seaside resort of Brighton is 40 minutes away.
a lively resort It is a lively resort with plenty of bars and cafés.
a bustling resort (=lively and full of people) The hotel is right in the middle of this bustling resort.
a fashionable resort Hastings was a once fashionable resort.
resort + NOUN
a resort town/area/centre They're only a five minute stroll away from the main resort centre with all its bars, restaurants and nightlife.
a resort hotel There are plans for a major resort hotel and golf course to be built.
a resort complex (=a group of buildings, or a large building with many parts) Club Hotel is part of a resort complex offering a range of facilities.
II.resort2 BrE AmE verb

resort to something phrasal verb
to do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem:
Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence.
resort to doing something
Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.

danh từ
phương kế, phương sách
our only resort is to inform the police
phương sách duy nhất của chúng tôi là báo cho cảnh sát biết
in the last resort
như là phương sách cuối cùng
(resort to something) sự viện đến, dùng đến
this is to be done without resort to force
việc này phải làm mà không dùng đến vũ lực
trung tâm nghỉ ngơi đại chúng; nơi nghỉ
seaside resorts
nơi nghỉ mát ở bờ biển
skiing resorts
nơi trượt tuyết
health resorts
nơi dưỡng bệnh
Brighton is a leading south coast resort
Brighton là nơi nghỉ tuyệt nhất ở bờ biển miền Nam
khách sạn hoặc nhà khách cho những người đi nghỉ
nội động từ
(to resort to something) phải sử dụng đến; phải viện đến
to resort to violence
phải sử dụng đến bạo lực
to resort to revolutionary violence
dùng đến bạo lực cách mạng
ngoại động từ
thường xuyên lui tới, hay lai vãng (nơi nào)
to resort the public houses
thường la cà các quán rượu

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