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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

rug /rʌɡ/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: From a Scandinavian language]

1. a piece of thick cloth or wool that covers part of a floor, used for warmth or as a decoration ⇨ mat, carpet
2. British English a large piece of material that you can wrap around yourself, especially when you are travelling
3. pull the rug (out) from under somebody/sb’s feet informal to suddenly take away something that someone was depending on to achieve what they wanted
4. a ↑toupée – used humorously



A rug is a floor covering made of woven yarn or thick fabric.

danh từ
thảm dầy trải sàn ((thường) nhỏ)
a hearth-rug
một tấm thảm trải trước lò sưởi
mền, chăn
as snug as a bug in a rug
ấm như nằm trong chăn
a travelling-rug
mền du lịch

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