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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

send S1 W1 /send/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle sent /sent/)
[Language: Old English; Origin: sendan]
1. BY POST ETC [transitive] to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post:
Lyn sent some pictures of the wedding.
send somebody something
We sent Mom flowers for Mother’s Day.
We sent her a letter of apology.
send something to somebody/something
I’ll send a copy to you.
send something back/up/over etc
He ordered coffee to be sent up.
send something by post/sea/air etc
Monday is the last day to send cards by post to arrive by Christmas.
2. RADIO/COMPUTER ETC [transitive] to make a message, electronic signal etc go somewhere, using radio equipment, computers etc
send somebody something
I sent her an email yesterday.
Radio signals were sent into deep space.
a) [transitive] to ask or tell someone to go somewhere, especially so that they can do something for you there:
The United Nations is sending troops.
send somebody to something
A police officer was sent to Ryan’s home.
send somebody back/away/over/home etc
Many of the refugees were sent back to Vietnam.
When Frank came, I told him I was ill and sent him away.
They sent me down to talk to Mr. Strachan.
Mr Ellison is here. Shall I send him in (=tell him to enter the room)?
send somebody to do something
The U.S. offered to send ships to help in the rescue operation.
b) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to arrange for someone to go to a place such as a school, prison, or hospital and spend some time there
send somebody to something
I can’t afford to send my kid to private school.
He was sent to prison for five years.
send somebody away/off
I was sent away to school at the age of six.
send somebody on something
New employees are sent on a training course.
4. send (somebody) a message/signal if something that someone does or says sends a particular message, it has that meaning:
Advertising sends the message that you have to be thin to be successful.
5. send your love/regards/best wishes etc spoken to ask someone to give your greetings, good wishes etc to someone else:
Mother sends her love.
6. CAUSE TO MOVE [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make something move from one place to another
send something through/to/over etc something
The blaze sent smoke over much of the city.
7. send somebody/something flying/sprawling/reeling etc to make someone or something move quickly through the air or across something:
The explosion sent glass flying everywhere.
8. AFFECT [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make someone or something start to be in a particular state:
His lectures always send me to sleep.
send somebody/something into something
The tail broke apart, sending the plane into a dive.
9. send word formal to tell someone something by sending them a letter or message
send word (to somebody) that/of something
They sent word to the king of their arrival.
10. send shivers/chills up (and down) your spine to make you feel very frightened or excited:
The eerie howl of the siren sent chills up her spine.
11. send somebody packing informal to tell someone who is not wanted that they must leave at once:
After his four years as governor, the voters sent him packing.
send away for something phrasal verb

to send a letter to a company or organization asking them to send something to you:
Send away for a free recipe booklet.
send down phrasal verb

1. send something ↔ down to make something lose value:
The company’s bad figures sent its share price down.
2. send somebody down British English informal to send someone to prison
send somebody down for
He was sent down for possession of cocaine.
3. be sent down British English old-fashioned to be told to leave a university because of bad behaviour
send for somebody/something phrasal verb

1. to ask or order that something be brought or sent to you, especially by writing a letter or by telephone:
Send for your free sample today!
2. old-fashioned to ask or tell someone to come to you by sending them a message:
Charlie said he’d find a place to live and then send for me.
Get back into bed. I’ll send for the doctor.
I’ve sent for help.
send something/somebody ↔ in phrasal verb
1. to send something, usually by post, to a place where it can be dealt with:
I sent in a few job applications last week.
2. to send soldiers, police etc somewhere to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation:
British troops were sent in as part of the peace-keeping force.
send off phrasal verb
1. send something ↔ off to send something somewhere by post:
I sent off the letter this morning.
2. send off for something to send a letter to a company or organization asking them to post something to you:
I sent off for a copy of the photograph.
3. send somebody ↔ off British English to order a sports player to leave the field because they have broken the rules:
One of Dundee’s players was sent off for punching another player.
send something ↔ on phrasal verb
1. especially British English to send someone’s letters or possessions to their new address from their old address SYN forward:
My flatmate said she’d send on all my post.
2. to send something that has been received to another place so that it can be dealt with
send something ↔ on to
The data is then sent on to the Census Bureau.
send out phrasal verb
1. send something/somebody ↔ out to make a person or a group of people or things go from one place to various other places:
Information was sent out to interested students.
Search parties were sent out to look for survivors.
2. send something ↔ out to broadcast or produce a signal, light, sound etc:
The ship is sending out an SOS signal.
3. send out for something to ask a restaurant or food shop to deliver food to you at home or at work:
We sent out for sandwiches.
send something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verb
1. to make something increase in value:
The oil shortage is bound to send prices up.
2. British English informal to make someone or something seem silly by copying them in a funny way:
The film hilariously sends up Hollywood disaster movies.

ngoại động từ sent
gửi, đưa, cử, phái (như) scend
to send word to somebody
gửi vài chữ cho ai
to send a boy a school
cho một em nhỏ đi học
cho, ban cho, phù hộ cho, giáng (trời, Thượng đế...)
send him victorioussend
trời phụ hộ cho nó thắng trận!
to send a drought
giáng xuống nạn hạn hán
bắn ra, làm bốc lên, làm nẩy ra, toả ra
to send a ball over the trees
đá tung quả bóng qua rặng cây
to send smoke high in the air
làm bốc khói lên cao trong không trung
đuổi đi, tống đi
to send somebody about his business
tống cổ ai đi
làm cho (mê mẩn)
to send somebody crazy
làm ai say mê; (nhạc ja, lóng) làm cho mê li
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) hướng tới, đẩy tới
your question has sent me to the dictionary
câu hỏi của anh đã khiến tôi đi tìm từ điển
nội động từ
gửi thư, nhắn
to send to worn somebody
gửi thư báo cho ai; gửi thư cảnh cáo ai
to send to somebody to take care
nhắn ai phải cẩn thận
to send away
gửi đi
đuổi di
to send after
cho đi tìm, cho đuổi theo
to send down
cho xuống
tạm đuổi, đuổi (khỏi trường)
to send for
gửi đặt mua
to send for something
gửi đặt mua cái gì
nhắn đến, cho đi tìm đến, cho mời đến
to send for somebody
nhắn ai tìm đến, cho người mời đến
to send for somebody
nhắn ai đến, cho người mời ai
to send forth
toả ra, bốc ra (hương thơm, mùi, khói...)
nảy ra (lộc non, lá...)
to send in
nộp, giao (đơn từ...)
ghi, đăng (tên...)
to send in one's name
đăng tên (ở kỳ thi)
to send off
gửi đi (thư, quà) phái (ai) đi (công tác)
đuổi đi, tống khứ
tiễn đưa, hoan tống
to send out
gửi đi, phân phát
toả ra, bốc ra (hương thơm, mùi, khói...)
nảy ra
trees send out young leaves
cây ra lá non
to send round
chuyền tay, chuyền vòng (vật gì)
to send up
làm đứng dậy, làm trèo lên
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) kết án tù
to send coals to Newcastle
(xem) coal
to send flying
đuổi đi, bắt hối hả ra đi
làm cho lảo đảo, đánh bật ra (bằng một cái đòn)
làm cho chạy tan tác, làm cho tan tác
to send packing
đuổi đi, tống cổ đi
to send someone to Jericho
đuổi ai đi, tống cổ ai đi
to send to Coventry
phớt lờ, không hợp tác với (ai)

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