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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.sin1 S2 /sɪn/ BrE AmE noun
[Language: Old English; Origin: synn]
1. [uncountable and countable] an action that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence against God
sin of
the sin of pride
She needed to confess her sins and ask for forgiveness.
He knew that he had committed a terrible sin.
the seven deadly sins (=seven bad feelings or desires, in the Christian religion)
2. a sin informal something that you think is very wrong
it is a sin (to do something)
There’s so much lovely food here, it would be a sin to waste it.
3. live in sin old-fashioned if two people live in sin, they live together in a sexual relationship without being married
4. as miserable/ugly/guilty as sin especially British English spoken very unhappy, ugly, or guilty:
I saw Margaret this morning looking as miserable as sin.
5. for my sins especially British English spoken an expression used to suggest jokingly that you have to do something as a punishment:
I work at head office now, for my sins.
cover/hide a multitude of sins at ↑multitude(4), ⇨ ↑cardinal sin, ↑mortal sin, ↑original sin
• • •
commit a sin He has committed a grave sin.
confess your sins He knelt and confessed his sins to God.
forgive sins God has forgiven all my sins.
repent (of) your sins (=be sorry you committed them) I sincerely repent of my sins.
the seven deadly sins (=seven bad feelings or desires, in the Christian religion, for example greed or too much pride)
a great sin Possibly the greatest sin you can be guilty of is not speaking out against cruelty or injustice when you see it.
a besetting sin literary (=one that you keep committing) Drunkenness was his besetting sin.
II.sin2 BrE AmE verb
(past tense and past participle sinned, present participle sinning) [intransitive]
1. to do something that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence against God
sin against
You have sinned against God.
2. be more sinned against than sinning old-fashioned used to say that someone should not be blamed for what they have done wrong, because they have been badly treated by other people
III.sin3 BrE AmE technical
the written abbreviation of sine

(toán) d. Tỷ số của cạnh đối diện với một góc nhọn và cạnh huyền trong một tam giác vuông.

(toán học) sine

danh từ
tội; tội lỗi; tội ác, lầm lỗi; sự vi phạm (một luật lệ)
a life of sin
một cuộc đời tội lỗi
to commit a sin
phạm tội
to confess one's sins to a priest
xưng tội với một tu sĩ
it's a sin to stay indoors on such a fine day!
ở nhà vào một ngày đẹp trời thế này là có tội!
it is no sin for a man to labour in his vocation
nghề gì cũng vinh quang
like sin
(từ lóng) kịch liệt, mãnh liệt
as miserable as sin
(thông tục) rất khốn khổ
as ugly as sin
rất xấu xí
to live in sin
ăn nằm với nhau như vợ chồng
the deadly sins
xem deadly
nội động từ
phạm tội, mắc tội; hành động sai trái
it's human to sin
phạm tội là thuộc bản tính của con người
they sinned against the unwritten rules of the school
họ đã vi phạm các quy tắc bất thành văn của nhà trường
to be more sinned against than sinning
đáng thương hơn là đáng trách
viết tắt
(toán học) sin (sine)

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