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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.spout1 /spaʊt/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

1. a small pipe on the side of a container that you pour liquid out through
2. spout of water/blood etc a sudden strong stream of liquid which comes out of somewhere very fast ⇨ ↑waterspout(1)
3. up the spout British English informal if something is up the spout, it is completely wrong or has failed completely:
The computer’s up the spout!
My plans for the weekend seem to have gone up the spout.
II.spout2 BrE AmE verb

[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Middle Dutch; Origin: spouten]
a) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if liquid or fire spouts from somewhere, it comes out very quickly in a powerful stream SYN spurt
spout from
Blood was spouting from the wound in her arm.
b) [transitive] to send out liquid or flames very quickly in a powerful stream:
a volcano spouting lava
2. (also spout off) [intransitive and transitive] informal to talk a lot about something in a boring or annoying way:
My father was spouting his usual nonsense!
I hate it when he spouts off like that!
spout about
I’m tired of listening to Jim spouting about politics.
3. [intransitive] if a ↑whale spouts, it sends out a stream of water from a hole in its head



Liquids pour out of a spout.

danh từ
vòi (ấm tích)
ống máng
(từ lóng) hiệu cầm đồ
to be up the spout
(từ lóng) nằm ở hiệu cầm đồ (đồ vật); khánh kiệt, cùng quẫn
cây nước, cột nước
lỗ mũi cá voi (như) spout-hole
up the spout
(thông tục) bị tan vỡ (phá hủy, đánh bại..); trong điều kiện vô vọng
có chửa
ngoại động từ
phun ra, bắn ra
a broken pipe spouting (out) water
một đường ống bị vỡ phun nước (ra)
(thông tục) ngâm (thơ); đọc một cách hùng hồn khoa trương
(từ lóng) cầm (đồ)
nội động từ
phun ra, bắn ra; tia ra rất mạnh (nước...)
blood spouts from wound
máu phun từ vết thương ra
phun nước (cá voi)
nói dài dòng, nói oang oang

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