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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.thumb1 /θʌm/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: thuma]

1. the part of your hand that is shaped like a thick short finger and helps you to hold things:
a baby sucking its thumb
She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.
2. the part of a ↑glove that fits over your thumb
3. be all fingers and thumbs British English, be all thumbs American English informal to be unable to do something in which you have to make small careful movements with your fingers:
Would you do up these buttons for me? I seem to be all thumbs today.
4. the thumbs up/down informal when an idea or plan is officially accepted or not accepted:
The project was finally given the thumbs up.
Her performance got the thumbs down from the critics.
5. be under sb’s thumb to be so strongly influenced by someone that they control you completely:
He was still under his father’s thumb.
rule of thumb at ↑rule1(8), ⇨ stand/stick out like a sore thumb at ↑sore1(6)
II.thumb2 BrE AmE verb

1. thumb a lift British English, thumb a ride American English informal to persuade a driver of a passing car to stop and take you somewhere, by putting your hand out with your thumb raised:
I thumbed a lift into town.
2. thumb your nose at somebody/something to show that you do not respect rules, laws etc or you do not care what someone thinks of you:
a chance to thumb his nose at the college authorities
thumb through something phrasal verb
to look through a book, magazine etc quickly:
I began thumbing through the pages of a gardening catalogue.



The thumb is the widest finger on a person's hand. The thumb is next to the pointing finger. All apes (like gorillas and chimps) have thumbs.

danh từ
ngón tay cái
phần của găng tay bọc ngón tay cái
to be under somebody's thumb
bị ai khống chế
to bite one's thumb at somebody
lêu lêu chế nhạo ai
his fingers are all thumbs
nó vụng về hậu đậu
thumbs down
dấu ra hiệu từ chối (không tán thành)
thumbs up
dấu ra hiệu đồng ý (tán thành)
be all (fingers and) thumbs
rất lúng túng, rất vụng về (nhất là khi cầm, điều hành cái gì)
thumbs up/down
dấu hiệu tán thành/phản đối
ngoại động từ
giở, lật (trang sách)
làm bẩn, làm mòn (cuốn sách.. vì giở nhiều)
thumbing through the dictionary
giở qua các trang tự điển
a well-thumbed copy
một bản đã cũ mòn nhiều vì giở đi giở lại
to thumb the pages of a book
giở qua trang sách
vận dụng vụng về, điều khiển vụng về
to thumb the piano
đánh pianô vụng về
to thumb one's nose at somebody/something
chế nhạo ai, miệt thị ai, lêu lêu ai
thumb a lift
vẫy xe đi nhờ

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