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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

wit /wɪt/ BrE AmE noun
[Language: Old English; Origin: 'knowledge, intelligence']
1. AMUSING [uncountable] the ability to say things that are clever and amusing:
a woman of great wit and charm
quick/dry/sharp etc wit
His sharp wit had them all smiling.
2. AMUSING PERSON [countable] someone who is able to say clever and amusing things
3. wits [plural] your ability to think quickly and make the right decisions:
Alone and penniless, I was forced to live on my wits.
keep/have your wits about you (=be ready to think quickly and do what is necessary in a difficult situation)
4. frighten/scare/terrify somebody out of their wits informal to frighten someone very much:
I was terrified out of my wits at the very idea.
5. gather/collect/recover etc your wits to make yourself think about what you are going to do next after you have been surprised by something:
I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits.
6. pit your wits against somebody to compete against someone in a test of knowledge or intelligence
7. be at your wits’ end to be very upset and not know what to do, because you have tried everything possible to solve a problem
8. have the wit to do something formal to be clever enough to know the right thing to do:
Thankfully, Reid had the wit to see what was wrong with the plan.
9. not be beyond the wit of somebody formal not be too difficult for someone to do:
It’s surely not beyond the wit of man to come up with a solution.
10. to wit old use formal used to introduce additional information which makes it clear exactly who or what you are talking about SYN namely:
This does not stop me giving you a little treat. To wit, an invitation to dine at Brown’s.
battle of wits at ↑battle1(5), ⇨ ↑half-wit, ⇨ live by your wits at ↑live1(15), ⇨ ↑outwit, ↑quick-witted, ↑witty

danh từ, số nhiều wits
sự hóm hỉnh, tài dí dỏm
a journalist much admired for het wit
một nhà báo được ngưỡng mộ nhiều về đầu óc dí dỏm
người hóm hỉnh, người có tài dí dỏm
(số nhiều) sự hiểu nhanh; trí thông minh
he hadn't the wits enough to realize the danger
anh ta không đủ nhanh trí để nhận ra sự nguy hiểm
out of one's wits
điên, mất trí khôn; thần hồn nát thần tính, quá sợ
(số nhiều) mưu kế
to live by one's wits
dùng tài xoay để sống, xoay xở để sống từng bữa
at one's wits' end
vô phương kế; bí
collect/gather one's wits
trấn tĩnh lại
to keep/have one's wits about one
giữ bình tĩnh; cảnh giác
to wit
tức là, nghĩa là
he'll leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July
anh ta sẽ ra đi lúc cuối học kỳ, nghĩa là vào ngày 30 tháng 7
wit and wisdom
thông minh sắc sảo
động từ
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) biết

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