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cat S1 W3 /kæt/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: catt, probably from Latin cattus, catta]

a) a small animal with four legs that people often keep as a pet. ⇨ feline
tabby/ginger/tortoiseshell etc cat (=colours of cats)
a tom cat (=a male cat)
b) (also big cat) a large animal such as a lion or ↑tiger
2. let the cat out of the bag to tell someone a secret, especially without intending to
3. put/set the cat among the pigeons to do or say something that causes arguments, trouble etc
4. play (a game of) cat and mouse (with somebody) to pretend to allow someone to do or have what they want, and then to stop them from doing or having it:
The police played an elaborate game of cat and mouse to trap him.
5. the cat’s whiskers/pyjamas informal something or someone that is better than everything else:
I really thought I looked the cat’s whiskers in that dress.
6. like a cat on hot bricks British English, like a cat on a hot tin roof American English so nervous or anxious that you cannot keep still or keep your attention on one thing
7. not stand/have a cat in hell’s chance (of doing something) informal to not have any chance of succeeding:
They don’t have a cat in hell’s chance of being elected.
8. when the cat’s away (the mice will play) used to say that people will not behave well when the person who has authority over them is not there
9. like the cat that got the cream British English, like the cat that ate the canary American English informal very proud or pleased because of something you have achieved or got
10. look like something the cat dragged/brought in British English informal to look very dirty or untidy
raining cats and dogs at ↑rain2(1), ⇨ there’s not enough room to swing a cat at ↑room1(5)
• • •
a pet cat (=one that you care for in your home) Lucy had a horse and a pet cat of her own.
a domestic cat (=one that lives with people) People have kept domestic cats for thousands of years.
a tabby cat (=which has dark and light lines on brown or grey fur) They had a 12-year-old tabby cat.
a ginger cat (=which has orange-brown fur) I've always wanted a ginger cat.
a feral cat (=one that lives in groups with other cats but has no home) The small fishing village was full of feral cats.
a stray cat (=one that has lost its home) He found a stray cat and started feeding it.
a wild cat (=a type of cat that does not live with people) The African wild cat is bigger than ordinary domestic cats.
big cats (=lions, tigers etc) All 36 species of big cat are vulnerable or endangered.
a cat miaows/mews (=makes a small noise) The cat was miaowing outside the door.
a cat purrs (=makes a soft noise that shows pleasure) The cat purred as she stroked it.
a cat hisses (=makes a low noise that shows fear or anger) Cats sometimes hiss at dogs.
a cat scratches somebody If a cat gets angry, it may scratch you with its claws.
a cat leaps/springs Then the cat leapt up into the tree.
a cat pounces on something (=jumps on something and catches it) The cat was hiding, waiting to pounce on the bird.
have a cat We always had a cat when I was young.
feed a cat She comes in while we're away to feed the cat.
stroke a cat Our cat won't let you stroke it.
cat + NOUN
cat food He bought some cans of cat food.
cat litter (=small grains for a cat to use as a toilet inside the house) You should change cat litter daily.
a cat flap (=a special door for a cat to go in and out of a house) The cat was getting too fat to fit through the cat flap.
a cat owner It is estimated that around 64 million Americans are cat owners.
let/put the cat out (=let it or make it go outside) Can you let the cat out?



Cats are mammals and are great pets. Cats were revered by the ancient Egyptians.

danh từ
con mèo
(động vật học) thú thuộc giống mèo (sư tử, hổ, báo...)
mụ đàn bà nanh ác; đứa bé hay cào cấu
(hàng hải) đòn kéo neo ((cũng) cat head)
roi tra tấn ((cũng) cat o-nine-tails)
con khăng (để chơi đánh khăng)
all cats are grey in the dark (in the night)
(tục ngữ) tắt đèn nhà ngói cũng như nhà tranh
cat in the pan (cat-in-the-pan)
kẻ trở mặt, kẻ phản bội
the cat is out of the bag
điều bí mật đã bị tiết lộ rồi
fat cat
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) tư bản kếch xù, tài phiệt
to fight like Kilkemy cats
giết hại lẫn nhau
to let the cat out of the bag
(xem) let
like a cat on hot bricks
khắc khoải lo âu
it rains cats and dogs
(xem) rain
to see which way the cat jumps; to wait for the cat to jump
đợi gió xoay chiều, đợi gió chiều nào thì theo chiều ấy
no room to swing a cat
(xem) room
to turn cat in the pan
trở mặt; thay đổi ý kiến (lúc lâm nguy);
a cat in hell's chance of doing something
chẳng hề có cơ hội làm điều gì
curiosity killed the cat
nói phắt ra cho thiên hạ khỏi tò mò
to play cat and mouse/to play a cat-and-mouse game with sb
giữ ai trong tình trạng chờ đợi không chắc chắn, đối xử với người đó vừa độc ác vừa tử tế xen kẽ nhau; chơi trò mèo vờn chuột; lập lờ đánh lận con đen
to put the cat among the pigeons
gây sự bối rối
to be the cat's pyjamas
là tất cả những gì tốt đẹp nhất
a cat-and-dog life
cảnh chó mèo, sự xích mích với nhau thường xuyên
ngoại động từ
(hàng hải) kéo (neo) lên
đánh bằng roi chín dài
nội động từ
(thông tục) nôn mửa
viết tắt
Trường cao đẳng công nghệ tiên tiến (College of Advanced Technology)

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