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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.grind1 /ɡraɪnd/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle ground /ɡraʊnd/)
[Language: Old English; Origin: grindan]
1. INTO SMALL PIECES [transitive]
a) (also grind up) to break something such as corn or coffee beans into small pieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfaces:
freshly ground pepper
b) American English to cut food, especially raw meat, into very small pieces by putting it through a machine SYN mince British English:
ground beef
2. SMOOTH/SHARP [transitive] to make something smooth or sharp by rubbing it on a hard surface or by using a machine:
a stone for grinding knives and scissors
The lenses are ground to a high standard of precision.
a) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to press something onto a surface and rub it with a strong twisting movement
grind something into something
He dropped a cigar butt and ground it into the carpet with his heel.
He ground out his cigarette on the window ledge.
b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to press hard against something
grind against/together
as these plates (=large areas of land) grind against each other
4. grind your teeth to rub your upper and lower teeth together, making a noise
5. grind to a halt (also come to a grinding halt)
a) if a vehicle grinds to a halt, it stops gradually:
Traffic ground to a halt as it approached the accident site.
b) if a country, organization, or process grinds to a halt, its activity or the process gradually stops:
After two days the talks had ground to a halt.
6. PERFORM A MOVEMENT to perform a special movement in ↑skateboarding or ROLLERBLADING, which involves moving sideways along the edge of something, so that the bar connecting the wheels of the ↑skateboard or ↑Rollerblade presses hard against the edge
have an axe to grind at ↑axe1(4)
• • •
press to push something down or against a surface with your fingers or foot: The doctor gently pressed her stomach. | To move forward, press the accelerator. | I pressed ‘delete’ and started again.
squeeze to press something inwards from both sides: It’s one of those balls that make a funny noise when you squeeze it. | Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the sauce.
squash to press something against a surface accidentally and damage it by making it flat: Don’t squash the tomatoes. | He sat on my hat and squashed it.
crush to press something very hard so that it breaks into very small pieces, or is very badly damaged: Crush two cloves of garlic. | The front of the car was completely crushed in the crash.
mash to press cooked vegetables or fruit until they are soft and smooth: Mash the potatoes while they are warm. | Babies love mashed bananas.
grind to press something solid until it becomes a powder, using a machine or tool: the machine that grinds the corn | freshly ground coffee
grind somebody ↔ down phrasal verb

to treat someone in a cruel way for such a long time that they lose all courage and hope SYN oppress:
I’ve never let male colleagues grind me down.
grind on phrasal verb

to continue for an unpleasantly long time:
As the negotiations grind on, time is passing towards the deadline.
grind something ↔ out phrasal verb
1. to produce information, writing, music etc in such large amounts that it becomes boring SYN churn out:
Frank just keeps grinding out detective stories.
2. written to say something in a rough, angry, or emotional way:
‘You don’t love him,’ he ground out.
II.grind2 BrE AmE noun
1. [singular] something that is hard work and physically or mentally tiring:
I find the journey to work a real grind.
workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory
2. [countable] American English informal a student who never does anything except study SYN swot British English
3. [countable] a movement in ↑skateboarding or ROLLERBLADING, which involves moving sideways along the edge of something, so that the bar connecting the wheels of the ↑skateboard or ↑Rollerblade presses hard against the edge

danh từ
sự xay, sự tán, sự nghiền
sự mài
tiếng nghiến ken két
(nghĩa bóng) công việc cực nhọc đều đều
the daily grind
công việc hằng ngày
cuộc đi bộ để tập luyện
lớp học cấp tốc để đi thi; lớp luyện thi
(từ lóng) cuộc đua ngựa nhảy rào
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) học sinh học gạo
động từ ground
xay, tán, nghiền
to grind corn into flour
xay lúa mì thành bột
mài, giũa
to grind a knife
mài dao
to grind diamonds
mài kim cương
to grind one's teeth together
nghiến răng
the ship grinding on the rocks
tàu sạt vào những tảng đá
to grind one's heel into the ground
di di gót chân xuống đất
đàn áp, áp bức, đè nén
to grind the faces of the poor
áp bức người nghèo
quay (cối xay cà phê)
to grind music out of a hurdy-gurdy
quay đàn
to grind out some verses
nặn ra vài câu thơ
bắt (ai) làm việc cật lực
nhồi nhét
to grind for the exam
học nhồi để thi
to grind away
(+ at) làm cật lực, làm tích cực
học tập cần cù; học gạo
to grind down
xay nhỏ, tán nhỏ, nghiền nhỏ, nghiền nát
hành hạ, áp bức
to grind in
(kỹ thuật) mài, nghiền, rà
to grind out
đè bẹp, giẫm nát, nghiền nát
nghiền, nạo ra
to grind out an oath
nghiến răng lại mà nguyền rủa
to grind up
nghiền nhỏ, tán nhỏ
to grind one's own axe
theo đuổi mục đích cá nhân
to have an axe to grind
có một mục đích cá nhân phải đạt
to grind to a halt/standstill
hãm lại, dừng lại

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