Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also SOUND - a metal object that makes a sound in order to call, warn or wake people: bell church bells ◎ the school bell ◎ a bicycle bell ◎ I think I heard the doorbell. ◎ Has the bell gone yet? (= for the end of a lesson) - (used about a bell) to make a sound: ring*; to cause a bell to make a sound: ring* sth; noun: ring We rang the doorbell. ◎ I'm sure there was a ring at the door. - to use a bell to call sb: ring* for sb I'll ring for the nurse. - an object which is used like a bell and which makes a sound like a bee: buzzer; the sound that a buzzer makes: buzz Press the buzzer if you know the answer to the question. - if you use a buzzer or an electric bell, you usually press a button - when the bell on a clock rings to tell people what the time is, the clock strikes* The clock struck three. - the sound that clocks or church bells make when they ring: chime; verb: chime the chimes of Big Ben ◎ The town hall clock chimed eight. - the sound that church bells make when they play a tune: peal; verb: peal the peal of wedding bells - the sound that a very small bell makes: tinkle; verb: tinkle - a bell or other special sound that warns you of danger: alarm a fire alarm ◎ a burglar alarm ※ more on alarm bells, etc WARN
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