1 today, tomorrow, etc 2 times of day 3 special days see also WEEK, YEAR
1 today, tomorrow, etc - a period of 24 hours: day It took me three days to get to Adelaide. ◎ a ten-day holiday ◎ I'll be back in a day or two. ※ days of the week WEEK - this day: today - the day before this day: yesterday yesterday morning - the day after this day: tomorrow tomorrow evening - two days ago: the day before yesterday - two days after today: the day after tomorrow - three, four, etc days after today: in three, four, etc days' time, three, four, etc days from now - three, four, etc days before today: three, four, etc days ago - a few days ago: the other day I saw Mary in town the other day. - done or happening every day: daily (adjective, adverb) a daily routine ◎ The equipment is checked daily. - to emphasize that sth is happening every day over a period of time, you can say day by day She's getting stronger day by day.
2 times of day - the time when most people are awake: day During the day, he worked as a bank clerk. At night, he painted. ◎ I like to begin my day with a good breakfast. ◎ Winter was approaching. The days were getting shorter. - the part of the day when it is light: daytime (noun U) Come and see my new house in the daytime so you can get a good look at the garden as well. ◎ a daytime TV programme - the time when it is dark and people usually sleep: night (noun C/U) - the part of the day when it is dark: night-time (noun U) I don't like going out at night-time. ※ more on night NIGHT - the beginning of the day: dawn (noun C/U), daybreak (noun U), sunrise (noun U) We got up at dawn. ◎ at the crack of dawn (= very early in the morning) It was not yet daybreak when the crowds started gathering outside the stadium. - the first part of the day until about 12 o'clock: morning I'll see you in the morning. ◎ During the morning I write, but in the afternoon I like to go walking in the woods. - the middle part of the day, around 12 o'clock: noon (noun U), midday (noun U) at noon ◎ after midday - the part of the day between noon and about 5 pm: afternoon - the part of the day after 5 pm and before you go to bed: evening I'll phone this evening. - the end of the day when the light begins to disappear: dusk (noun U), sunset (noun C/U) - the middle of the night at 12 o'clock: midnight (noun U) Note: you say in/during the morning, afternoon, evening, daytime; but at dawn, noon, midnight, night-time; you can say in/during the night or at night. - to emphasize the whole day, you can say the whole day long, the whole day through, all day long I've been studying for my exams all day long.
3 special days - the day in each year which has the same date as the day you were born: birthday - 14th February: St Valentine's Day - 25th December: Christmas Day - the day to celebrate all mothers/fathers: Mother's/Father's Day - the day before a special day or an important event: eve Christmas Eve ◎ New Year's Eve ◎ on the eve of the election (= just before the election) - a day of rest from work or school: holiday ※ more on holidays HOLIDAY