Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also PAY, BANK, MONEY - a piece of paper, printed by a bank, that you can fill in, sign and use to pay for things: cheque (AmE check) Do you take cheques? - a cheque that you can change into foreign money when you are travelling abroad: traveller's cheque (AmE traveler's check) - a piece of paper like a cheque that you can buy from a post office and send to sb, and that they can exchange for money: postal order - unused cheques are normally kept in a chequebook (AmE checkbook) - a small plastic card that you often need when you pay by cheque: cheque card - to use a cheque to pay for sth: pay* (for sth) by cheque, write* (sb) a cheque, write* out a cheque (to sb) I don't have any cash on me. Is it all right if I pay by cheque? ◎ I wrote out a cheque for ※£350 for the new fridge. - to exchange a cheque for money: cash a cheque Can I cash a cheque here, please? - to write the name of the person who will receive the money: make* a cheque out to sb, make* a cheque payable to sb Who shall I make it out to? - to write your name on a cheque: sign (the cheque), sign (your name) (on the cheque) Do I need to sign it again on the back? ※ MORE ... - if you write sb a cheque and then decide the money should not be paid, you can tell your bank to stop the cheque - if your bank returns your cheque to you without making the payment, because there was not enough money in the account, the cheque bounces - a cheque that has been signed, but that has an empty space so that the amount of money can be filled in later: blank cheque
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