see also HILL/MOUNTAIN - to move towards the top of sth: climb (sth), go* up sth, (formal) ascend (sth); nouns: climb, (formal) ascent to climb a tree/mountain ◎ There is a long and difficult climb before you get to the next village. ◎ the first ascent of Mount Everest - towards the top of a hill: uphill (adjective, adverb) a steep uphill climb - to go or come down sth: climb down (sth), go* down sth, (formal) descend (sth); noun: descent He had difficulty in climbing down the tree. ◎ She went down the stairs carefully. ◎ We began our descent from the summit at six o'clock. - towards the bottom of a hill: downhill (adjective, adverb) to run downhill - to manage to go over to the other side of a wall, gate, etc: climb over sth I climbed over the gate and ran across the field. - to climb with difficulty, using both your hands and feet: clamber We clambered up to the top of the hill. ※ climbing as a sport - the sport of climbing hills or mountains: climbing (noun U); to do this sport: go* climbing; a person who climbs as a sport: climber I went climbing in the Himalayas last summer. ◎ a rock-climber - the sport of climbing mountains: mountaineering (noun U); a person who climbs mountains: mountaineer, mountain climber - the sport of climbing rocks and mountains with ropes, etc: rock-climbing (noun U) - walking in the hills: hillwalking (noun U); a person who walks in hills: hillwalker We're planning to go hillwalking this weekend.