see also CONVERSATION, SAY, SPEAK, WRITE - to exchange information, thoughts, feelings, etc with sb, by speaking, writing letters, etc: communicate (with sb); noun (U): communication He's stopped communicating with his parents. ◎ They communicate by sign language. ◎ non-verbal communication ◎ a breakdown in communication - if you communicate with sb, you are in touch/contact (with sb) Are you still in touch with Karen? ◎ I'm trying to get in touch with Jim - do you have his new address? ◎ Make sure you keep in touch! - to stop communicating with sb: lose* touch/contact (with sb) I lost touch with them years ago. - if you have stopped communicating with sb, you are out of touch/contact (with sb) We've been out of contact for years. - a way of communicating with sb: means of communication (plural means of communication) new means of communication such as the fax machine and e-mail ※ letters, faxes, e-mail, telegrams and telex LETTER - the telephone TELEPHONE - television, radio, newspapers and other means of communication with large audiences: the mass media (noun plural) ※ television and radio TELEVISION/RADIO - newspapers and magazines NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINE