Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 crime 2 different kinds of crime 3 preventing crime and catching criminals 4 trial and punishment see also LAW
1 crime - behaviour which is against the law: crime (noun U); adjective: criminal Is crime on the increase? ◎ serious crime ◎ to fight crime ◎ crime prevention ◎ criminal behaviour - a criminal act: crime, (formal) offence (AmE offense) - to do sth which is against the law: break* the law, commit sth I didn't realize that I was breaking the law. ◎ to commit a crime ◎ to commit murder - a sudden increase in crime: crime wave - a person who has committed a crime: criminal, (formal) offender - an organized group of criminals: gang; a member of a gang: gangster - a person who helps sb to commit a crime: accomplice - a person who is harmed by a crime: victim a victim of crime
2 different kinds of crime - to take sth that belongs to sb else secretly and without permission: steal* (sth) (from sb/sth); noun (C/U): theft The safe was open but nothing had been stolen. ◎ car theft - a person who steals: thief (plural thieves) ※ more on stealing STEAL - to kill sb on purpose: murder sb, take* sb's life; noun (c/u): murder She was murdered by her gardener. ◎ an unsolved murder - a man/woman who commits a murder: murderer/murderess ※ more on killing KILL - to make a sudden attack on sb: assault sb; noun (C/U): assault to be assaulted in the street ◎ assaults on the police - to catch sb and keep them prisoner to get money, agreement to political demands, etc: kidnap sb, take* sb hostage - a person who is caught in this way: hostage The terrorists released three hostages after the government agreed to their demands. - a person who kidnaps sb: kidnapper - to force sb to have sex: rape sb; noun (C/U): rape; a person who commits rape: rapist - the crime of setting fire to a building on purpose: arson (noun U); a person who commits arson: arsonist - the use of violent action (for example, bombing or shooting) for political reasons: terrorism (noun U); a person who takes part in terrorism: terrorist - a person who sells illegal drugs: drug dealer, (informal) (drug) pusher; selling illegal drugs: drug dealing (noun U) - to take things into or out of a country illegally: smuggle sth; noun (U): smuggling; a person who smuggles: smuggler ※ the illegal use of drugs DRUGS - the crime of deceiving sb to get money: fraud (noun C/U) - to make a copy of sth to deceive people: forge sth; noun (C/U): forgery to forge sb's signature ◎ a forged ten-pound note ◎ The painting is an obvious forgery. - to force sb to give you money, etc to stop you telling a secret about them to other people: blackmail sb; noun (U): blackmail; a person who commits blackmail: blackmailer - to say sth that is untrue about sb so that other people will have a bad opinion of them: slander sb; noun (U/C): slander; a person who commits slander: slanderer - to write sth that is untrue about sb so that other people will have a bad opinion of them: libel sb; noun (U/C): libel
3 preventing crime and catching criminals - the official organization whose job is to make sure that people obey the law and to prevent and solve crime: the police (noun plural) The police were out in force to control the crowds. - a member of the police: police officer, policeman, policewoman, (informal) cop ※ more on the police POLICE - a person who protects a building against robbers, etc: security guard; a security guard who works at night: nightwatchman - a person (especially a police officer) who tries to find out about a crime, etc: detective - a detective who is not a policeman: private detective, (informal) private eye - to try to find out all the facts about sth: investigate sth; noun (C/U): investigation Detectives are investigating the murder. ◎ The police have completed their investigations. - to believe that sb committed a crime: suspect sb (of sth/doing sth); adjective: suspicious Do you suspect me of the murder? ◎ His strange behaviour made the police suspicious. - if the police believe that sb has done sth wrong, that person is under suspicion (of sth) - if sth makes you feel that sb has done sth wrong, it is suspicious (adverb suspiciously) He is under suspicion of murder. ◎ a suspicious-looking person ◎ to behave suspiciously - a person who the police think has committed a crime: suspect - something that makes you believe sth: evidence (noun U) There was no evidence that Tony had stolen the television. - a person who has seen a crime, etc and can tell others about it later: witness - a mark made by the skin of your finger that is used for identifying you: fingerprint - to give information to the police about sb who has done sth wrong: inform against/on sb - a person who gives the police, etc information about sth that sb has done: informer - (used about the police) to take sb prisoner in order to ask them about a crime: arrest sb; noun (C/U): arrest A woman has been arrested in connection with the stolen handbag. ◎ The police have made ten arrests. ◎ You're under arrest! - to go to the police when they are trying to catch you: give* yourself up (to sb) We told him he should give himself up. - while doing sth wrong: in the act (of doing sth) He was in the act of stealing a car when I spotted him. - to find sb just as they are doing sth wrong: catch* sb red-handed A policeman noticed the ladder against the wall and caught the burglars red-handed. - to ask sb questions about sth, to find out about a crime: interrogate sb; noun (C/U): interrogation I was interrogated by two police officers. ◎ The interrogation lasted for five hours. - a person who asks sb questions in order to get information: interrogator - to say that sb has broken the law or done sth wrong: accuse sb (of sth/doing sth); noun: accusation He accused me of stealing apples from his orchard. ◎ to make a false accusation - to accuse sb officially of committing a crime: charge sb (with sth); noun: charge He was charged with kidnapping the child. ◎ The police brought a charge of murder against him. - something you say or write formally: statement We'd like you to come to the police station and make a statement. - to say that you have done sth bad or illegal: confess (to sth), confess (sth) (to sb); noun: confession
4 trial and punishment - a process in which people decide if sb has broken a law: trial (noun U/C) to put somebody on trial ◎ a murder trial - the person (in a trial) who is said to have broken a law: the accused (plural the accused) - (in a trial) to decide that sb has broken a law: find* sb guilty (of sth), convict sb (of sth) - to tell sb who has been found guilty of a crime what their punishment will be: sentence sb (to sth) The judge sentenced her to prison for two years. - the punishment given: sentence a four-year prison sentence ※ more on trials TRIAL - punishment PUNISH ※ MORE ... - when criminals stop committing crimes, they (informal) go* straight - a statement which says that sb was in a particular place at the time of a crime, so they could not have done it: alibi John had a good alibi for the night of the murder. - a crime story where sb tries to find out who the criminal is: detective story - a book, film, play, etc with a very exciting story, often about a crime: thriller
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