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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

- material that is burned to give heat or power: fuel (noun C/U)
a shortage of fuel smokeless fuel
- a thick liquid that comes from under the ground and is used as a fuel or to make machines work smoothly: oil (noun U), petroleum (noun U)
※—† fuel for cars, etc
- fuel for motor vehicles such as cars: petrol (AmE gasoline, gas)(noun U); petrol that does not contain lead is unleaded
- a heavy oil that is used in lorries, buses and some cars: diesel (noun U)
※ getting fuel for a car DRIVE
※—† fuel for heating and cooking
- a black mineral dug from the ground, that is burned to give heat or energy: coal (noun U)
- fuel that is a gas or mixture of gases and is used for cooking, heating, etc: gas (noun U)
- a fuel from petroleum that is used in heaters, lamps, etc: paraffin (AmE kerosene)(noun U)
- a fuel made by burning wood in an oven with very little air: charcoal (noun U)
※ more on coal, gas and oil COAL, GAS, OIL
※—† using fuel
- (used about a vehicle) to use a particular fuel: run* on sth
My car runs on unleaded petrol.
- to use fuel: burn sth, consume sth; noun (U): consumption
We burned nearly all our fuel supplies over the winter. higher/lower fuel consumption
- a measurement of the amount of petrol, etc a vehicle uses: miles per gallon (abbreviation mpg)
- to provide a plane, etc with more fuel: refuel (sth)
We landed at Nairobi for refuelling.

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