an article of clothing (Freq. 4) - garments of the finest silk • Hypernyms: clothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment • Hyponyms: breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth, burqa, burka, camlet, diaper, nappy, napkin, fur, gown, surgical gown, scrubs, haik, haick, hand-me-down, head covering, veil, hose, ironing, jump suit, jumpsuit, kanzu, laundry, wash, washing, washables, legging, leging, leg covering, leotard, unitard, body suit, cat suit, mending, motley, neckwear, overgarment, outer garment, peplos, peplus, peplum, raglan, reversible, robe, romper, romper suit, sackcloth, scapular, scapulary, scarf, sealskin, separate, shirt, silks, skirt, stomacher, straitjacket, straightjacket, suit, suit of clothes, sunsuit, swaddling clothes, swaddling bands, sweater, jumper, sweat suit, sweatsuit, sweats, workout suit, swimsuit, swimwear, bathing suit, swimming costume, bathing costume, trouser, pant, undergarment, unmentionable, vest, waistcoat, weeds, widow's weeds, wet suit, wraparound • Part Meronyms: armhole, band, banding, stripe, bosom, buttonhole, button hole, dart, eyelet, eyehole, fly, fly front, gusset, inset, jag, dag, liner, lining, neck, neck opening, pocket, shoulder, skirt, sleeve, arm, yoke, hipline
provide with clothes or put clothes on - Parents must feed and dress their child • Syn: dress, clothe, enclothe, garb, raiment, tog, habilitate, fit out, apparel • Ant: undress (for: dress) • Derivationally related forms: apparel (for: apparel), raiment (for: raiment), garb (for: garb), clothing (for: clothe), dress (for: dress), dresser (for: dress), dressing (for: dress) • Hypernyms: change state, turn • Hyponyms: prim, prim up, prim out, cover, wrap up, jacket, frock, shirt, habit, vesture, overdress, overclothe, underdress, corset, shoe, coat, costume, dress up, vest, robe, gown • Verb Group: dress, get dressed • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody