1 giving help 2 ways of helping people 3 needing help
1 giving help - to do sth for sb in order to make their work or their life easier: help (sb) (do sth/to do sth), (informal) give*/lend* sb a hand (with sth), (formal) assist (sb) (in/with sth); nouns (U): help, assistance Can I help? ◎ I helped her off the train/across the road/out of the car. ◎ Can you give me a hand with my homework? ◎ The man is assisting the police with their enquiries. ◎ Do you need any help? ◎ The policeman thanked him for his assistance. - giving help: helpful, useful, a help (to sb) helpful information ◎ useful advice ◎ You've been a great help. - not giving much help: unhelpful, not much help, not a lot of help an unhelpful suggestion ◎ The map you gave me wasn't much help - I got lost three times. - not giving any help at all: useless A blunt knife is useless. ◎ useless advice - something that helps sb or is useful to sb does* them good Please take this medicine; it'll do you good. ◎ It'll do you good to get out into the country for a bit. - if you do sth or give sth to sb to help them, you do it for their good I know you don't want to go into hospital, but it's for your own good. ◎ The Prime Minister said he resigned for the good of the country. - a person who helps: helper We need some extra helpers if we're going to get all these sandwiches made in time for lunch! - a person who helps people in their job: assistant; adjective (only before a noun): assistant Let me introduce my assistant, David. ◎ an assistant manager - a person who is willing to help is helpful, cooperative; opposites: unhelpful, uncooperative The staff are very helpful. ◎ The police were completely unhelpful. ◎ His secretary was uncooperative, and she refused to let me see him. - a person who thinks about what sb needs or wants is thoughtful; opposite: thoughtless I'm sorry. It was very thoughtless of me. - if you say or show that you will help sb/sth, you offer sth/to do sth; noun: offer to offer assistance ◎ Nigel offered to give me a lift to the station. ◎ Helen accepted his offer of help. - to make a special effort to help sb: go* out of your way (to do sth), (informal) bend* over backwards (to do sth) The hotel staff bent over backwards to make our stay as comfortable as possible. - to do sth for sb, even though it causes you a lot of work or trouble: take* the trouble to do sth She took the trouble to write letters to everyone to thank them. - to do sth helpful for sb: do* sth for sb, do* sb a favour, do* sb a good turn John, can you do me a favour? I need to borrow some money. - if you do sth to help sb, you do it for sb's sake We moved to the country for my son's sake. - when you give sth to sb who has helped you, you repay* sb (for sth) How can we ever repay you for your kindness?
2 ways of helping people ※ helping sb to do sth - to work with sb else to do sth: cooperate with sb, collaborate with sb; nouns (U): cooperation, collaboration Couldn't we cooperate on this project to save time and money? ◎ to work in collaboration with sb - to help sb to know the right way to do sth: show sb sth Can you show me how to wire this plug? - to show sb the way to a place: lead* sb, guide sb, lead* the way She led them through a maze of narrow streets. ◎ He guided us to our seats. ◎ Sam led the way and the rest of us followed. - to explain to sb how to get to a place: direct sb, give* sb directions Could you direct me to the bus station, please? - to tell sb what you think they should do: advise sb (to do sth); noun (U): advice Her doctor advised her to give up smoking. ◎ legal advice ※ helping sb when they are poor, ill, weak, etc - to give sb help, money, friendship, etc when they need it: support sb; noun (U): support; giving sb support: supportive I'll always be there to support you. ◎ I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there to give me support. - to give sb hope and support to do sth: encourage sb (to do sth); noun (C/U): encouragement He gave me encouragement to apply for the job. - to help sb who is in a difficult position: help (sb) out ※ more on support and encouragement SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE - to help and watch over sb who is ill or weak: take* care of sb, look after sb John's being taken good care of in hospital. ◎ Kevin had to look after the children while his wife was in hospital. - to try to make sb feel less sad or less worried about sth: comfort sb; a person or a thing that comforts: comfort Her father was always there to comfort her. ◎ The good news was a great comfort to him. - an organization that sends money, food, clothes, etc to a country or people to help them: charity - money, food, etc that is sent to a country or people in order to help them: aid (noun U), relief (noun U) medical aid ◎ disaster relief for the flood victims ※ helping sb when they are in danger DANGEROUS - helping to make sb/sth safe SAFE
3 needing help - to ask sb to help you: ask sb for help, ask sb a favour, ask a favour of sb Can I ask you a favour? - to go to sb to ask them for help, advice, etc: go* to sb (for sth), turn to sb (for sth) Frank went to the police for help. ◎ She had nobody to turn to when her husband left her. - if you are in a very bad situation and need help from sb else, you are helpless; noun (U): helplessness We were helpless against the enemy attack. ◎ a helpless baby - if you need sb/sth to support or help you, you depend on sb/sth, you are dependent (on sb/sth); noun (U): dependence (on sb/sth) He's blind and completely dependent on his dog to guide him round town. - if you are not supported very well, you are insecure; noun (U): insecurity The future of the company looks very insecure. ◎ feelings of insecurity ※ not needing help - if you can do things yourself and do not want or need help, you are independent, self-reliant; nouns (U): independence, self-reliance Mary wanted to be independent, so she left home and went to live in London. - to take care of yourself without help: stand* on your own (two) feet You're always asking for money from your parents: it's about time you learned to stand on your own two feet! - if you do sth without any other person to help you, you do it on your own, (all) by yourself She decorated the house on her own. ◎ My nephew painted this picture all by himself. - if you decide to do sth without help from another person, you (informal) go* it alone After all his friends refused to help him, Hanif decided to go it alone.