1 big and small rivers 2 different parts of rivers 3 the movement of rivers 4 crossing a river 5 using the water in rivers see also COUNTRY, LAND
1 big and small rivers - a stream of water that flows down to the sea from higher ground: river The river is very deep just here. - a small river: stream a shallow stream - a man-made channel, like a river, that boats can travel along: canal Note: names of rivers usually have the River or simply the before them the River Thames ◎ the Thames. Sometimes the name comes before the word 'river' the Mississippi river. - when the two sides of a river are close together, the river is narrow; opposite: wide, broad - to become more narrow: narrow; to become wider: widen As it nears the coast the river widens. - when a river is so full that the water flows over the sides, it overflows, floods; when this happens, there is a flood The fields were flooded when the river burst its banks. - when there is no water in a river, it is dry - to become dry: dry up The animals are dying because all the rivers in the area have dried up.
2 different parts of rivers - the side of a river: bank, river bank We stopped for a picnic on the bank of the river. - a wall of earth, stones, etc that is built along the side of a river, especially in a town: embankment - the land on the side of a river: riverside a riverside restaurant - the bottom of a river: bottom, (river) bed - a place where a river falls down a steep cliff or rock: waterfall, falls (noun plural) the Niagara Falls - a part of a river where the water flows very fast over rocks: rapids (noun plural) - the place where a river starts: source (of a river) - the place where a river flows into the sea: mouth (of a river); if the mouth of a river is very wide, it may be called an estuary the Thames estuary - if a river divides into several smaller rivers that flow into the sea, the mouth is called a delta the Nile delta
3 the movement of rivers - when the water in a river moves, the river runs*, flows The stream runs through the bottom of the garden. ◎ It flows into the sea a few miles up the coast. ◎ a fast-flowing river - the movement of the water in a river: current You can't swim here because of the dangerous currents. - a very small amount of water moving in a river: trickle - a strong and fast movement of water: torrent In the winter this river is a torrent, but in the summer it is reduced to just a trickle. - the direction that a river takes: course We followed the course of the river until it reached the sea. - if you go along a river in the opposite direction from the sea, you go up the river, up river, upstream I think the bridge is about another hundred yards upstream. - if you go towards the sea, you go down the river, down river, downstream - when a river has a lot of bends and curves, it winds* - a space between hills or mountains where a river runs: valley - a narrow, deep valley with steep, rocky sides: gorge, ravine - a large area of fresh water which a river flows into: lake Lake Windermere
4 crossing a river - to go from one side of a river to the other: cross (sth), go across (sth) - to walk through deep water: wade; if you cross a river like this, you wade across it - a structure that is built across a river so that people, cars, trains, etc can go across: bridge - a man-made passage that goes under a river so that cars, trains, etc can go across: tunnel - a boat that goes backwards and forwards across a river carrying people, cars, etc: ferry - a place where a road crosses a river through shallow water: ford ※ more on bridges BRIDGE
5 using the water in rivers - a wall that is built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake: dam; to make a dam: dam sth - a lake that is made in this way: reservoir - to supply farming land with water by means of pipes, channels, etc: irrigate (sth); noun (U): irrigation an irrigation scheme