1. a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar • Hypernyms: cocktail • Hyponyms: whiskey sour, whisky sour 2. the taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth • Syn: sourness, tartness • Derivationally related forms: sour (for: tartness), sour (for: sourness) • Hypernyms: taste, taste sensation, gustatory sensation, taste perception, gustatory perception • Hyponyms: acidity, acidulousness 3. the property of being acidic • Syn: sourness, acidity • Derivationally related forms: acid (for: acidity), sour (for: sourness) • Hypernyms: taste property • Hyponyms: acerbity, tartness, vinegariness, vinegarishness
1. go sour or spoil (Freq. 2) - The milk has soured - The wine worked - The cream has turned--we have to throw it out • Syn: turn, ferment, work • Derivationally related forms: fermentation (for: ferment), ferment (for: ferment), souring • Hypernyms: change state, turn • Verb Group: ferment, work • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 2. make sour or more sour (Freq. 1) • Syn: acidify, acidulate, acetify • Ant: sweeten • Derivationally related forms: acetum (for: acetify), acid (for: acidulate), acid (for: acidify) • Hypernyms: change taste • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something
1. smelling of fermentation or staleness (Freq. 1) • Syn: rancid • Similar to: malodorous, malodourous, unpleasant-smelling, ill-smelling, stinky • Derivationally related forms: rancidness (for: rancid), rancidity (for: rancid), sourness 2. having a sharp biting taste • Ant: sweet • Similar to: acerb, acerbic, astringent, acetose, acetous, vinegary, vinegarish, acidic, acid, acidulent, acidulous, lemony, lemonlike, sourish, tangy, tart, subacid • See Also: dry, soured, tasty • Derivationally related forms: sourness 3. one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons • Similar to: tasty • Derivationally related forms: sourness 4. in an unpalatable state - sour milk • Syn: off, turned • Similar to: soured • Derivationally related forms: sourness 5. inaccurate in pitch - a false (or sour) note - her singing was off key • Syn: false, off-key • Similar to: inharmonious, unharmonious 6. showing a brooding ill humor - a dark scowl - the proverbially dour New England Puritan - a glum, hopeless shrug - he sat in moody silence - a morose and unsociable manner - "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven - a sour temper - a sullen crowd • Syn: dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sullen • Similar to: ill-natured • Derivationally related forms: sullenness (for: sullen), sourness, moroseness (for: morose), moodiness (for: moody), glumness (for: glum)