Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1. a vivid mental image (Freq. 13) - he had a vision of his own death • Derivationally related forms: visionary • Hypernyms: imagination, imaging, imagery, mental imagery • Hyponyms: prevision, retrovision 2. the ability to see; the visual faculty (Freq. 8) • Syn: sight, visual sense, visual modality • Derivationally related forms: sight (for: sight) • Members of this Topic: visual system • Hypernyms: modality, sense modality, sensory system, exteroception • Hyponyms: stigmatism, achromatic vision, acuity, visual acuity, sharp-sightedness, binocular vision, central vision, color vision, chromatic vision, trichromacy, distance vision, eyesight, seeing, sightedness, monocular vision, near vision, night vision, night-sight, scotopic vision, twilight vision, daylight vision, photopic vision, peripheral vision 3. the perceptual experience of seeing (Freq. 7) - the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision - he had a visual sensation of intense light • Syn: visual sensation • Hypernyms: sensation, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum 4. the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses (Freq. 2) - popular imagination created a world of demons - imagination reveals what the world could be • Syn: imagination, imaginativeness • Derivationally related forms: imaginative (for: imaginativeness), imagine (for: imagination) • Hypernyms: creativity, creativeness, creative thinking • Hyponyms: imaginary place, mythical place, fictitious place, fancy, fantasy, phantasy, dream, dreaming, imaginary being, imaginary creature 5. a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance (Freq. 1) - he had a vision of the Virgin Mary • Hypernyms: experience
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