1 beds 2 the things on a bed 3 bedrooms 4 going to bed and getting up see also SLEEP, ROOM, FURNITURE
1 beds - a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep: bed - a bed for one person: single bed - a bed for two people: double bed - a pair of single beds: twin beds - a pair of beds built one on top of the other: bunk beds - a bed for a baby: cot (AmE crib) - a bed that can be folded up: camp bed (AmE cot) - a sofa that you can make into a bed: sofa bed - the top end of a bed is its head - the bottom end of a bed is its foot He was standing at the foot of the bed. - the area that is next to a bed is the bedside She sat at his bedside all night long. - a train with beds: sleeper; a railway coach which has beds: sleeping car the overnight sleeper from London to Inverness - a sleeping place on a train, ship, etc: berth a cabin with four berths ◎ a top berth - a bed which is built into the wall, for example on a train or ship: bunk - a bed made of canvas or strong net, which is hung up at both ends: hammock - a large, soft bag that you use for sleeping in when you go camping, etc: sleeping bag
2 the things on a bed - a cover for a pillow: pillowcase - the sheet that goes on top of you: top sheet; the sheet that goes underneath you: bottom sheet - a large piece of material (often made of wool) which keeps you warm in bed: blanket - a thick cover that is filled with warm material, for example feathers: duvet, quilt (AmE comforter) - a cover for a duvet or a quilt: duvet/quilt cover - an attractive cover for a bed that you put on top of sheets and blankets: bedspread - a general word for the sheets, blankets, etc on a bed: bedclothes (noun plural) She pulled the bedclothes off him and said: 'Get up!' - a blanket which is heated by electricity: electric blanket - a rubber container that is filled with hot water and put in a bed to warm it: hot-water bottle ※ making a bed - when you tidy the bedclothes on a bed after sleeping in it, you make* the bed The children all had to make their own beds. - if the bedclothes are untidy after a bed has been slept in, the bed is unmade - when you replace bedclothes with clean ones, you change them or change the bed The chambermaid in the hotel changes the sheets every day. ◎ We usually change the beds once a week.
3 bedrooms - a room which is used for sleeping in: bedroom a double bedroom - a large bedroom with a number of beds in it, especially in a school, etc: dormitory the girls' dormitory - a hospital room with beds in it: ward the children's ward ※ bedrooms in hotels HOTEL ※ the furniture in a bedroom - a small table which is kept beside the bed: bedside table
4 going to bed and getting up ※ going to bed - when you decide to rest in a bed, usually for the night, you go* to bed Last night I went to bed early. - when you lie down on a bed, under the covers, you get* into bed I fell asleep as soon as I got into bed. - when you are lying or sitting under the covers of a bed, you are in bed The children are already in bed. - if you help a child to go to bed, you put* them to bed I'll ring you after putting the children to bed. - to be in a flat position: lie* I was lying in bed listening to the radio. - to get into a lying position: lie* down; to rest on a bed for a short time: have a lie-down She lay down on the bed and fell asleep. - to get into a position under a cover that makes you feel safe, warm and comfortable: snuggle down I snuggled down under the blanket to get warm. ※ the time that you go to bed - the time when you usually go to bed is (your) bedtime I'm too tired to do any more, it's past my bedtime. - if you go to bed earlier/later than usual, you have an early/late night I've had three late nights in a row and I' m worn out! - if you go to bed after your usual bedtime, you stay up I stayed up to hear the election results. - if you do not go to bed because you are waiting for a person to come home, you wait up (for them) Don't wait up - I'll be back very late. - if a person prevents you from going to bed, they keep* you up I hope we're not keeping you up? ※ what people wear in bed - a soft loose shirt and trousers which men and women wear for sleeping: pyjamas (AmE pajamas)(noun plural); the top part of pyjamas: pyjama top; the bottom part: pyjama trousers/bottoms a pair of pyjamas ◎ He's wearing green pyjama trousers and a red pyjama top from a different pair. - a loose dress which women wear for sleeping: nightdress, (informal) nightie - a long shirt that a man or boy wears for sleeping in: nightshirt ※ getting up - when you leave your bed after resting, you get* up What time do you usually get up in the morning? - after you get up, you are up (and about) He's usually up and about by 7.30. - to leave a bed (for any purpose): get* out of bed I heard a noise and got out of bed to see what it was. - when you have been in bed, but are not now, you are out of bed What are you doing out of bed - the doctor said you should stay there! - if you usually get up early, you are an early riser - if you stay in bed later than usual, you lie* in, have a lie-in