Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of doctors and their work 2 going to the doctor see also DENTIST, HOSPITAL, ILLNESS, INJURY, MEDICINE, PAIN
1 different kinds of doctors and their work - a trained person who helps people who are ill to get better: doctor (abbreviation Dr) You should see a doctor. ◎ I've got an appointment with Dr Brown. - a doctor who treats all types of illnesses and does not work in a hospital: GP (= general practitioner), family doctor See your GP if you need a vaccination. - a doctor with special knowledge of a particular area of medicine: specialist a skin specialist ◎ a specialist in childhood diseases - a doctor who performs medical operations: surgeon; this kind of work is called surgery (noun U) - a doctor who works in a hospital: hospital doctor - a senior specialist doctor in a hospital: consultant - a person who has some medical training but is not a doctor: paramedic Firefighters and paramedics worked to save the accident victims. - to work as a doctor: practise Although she qualified as a doctor, she has never practised. - the business of a doctor: practice Dr Smith has a busy city centre practice. - the system in Britain that provides free or cheap medical care for everybody: National Health Service (abbreviation NHS) - a doctor who is not working for the National Health Service is a private doctor
2 going to the doctor - you go to the doctor if you are not feeling well, if you are ill ※ where the doctor works - the place where a doctor sees patients: surgery, the doctor's Can you tell me where Dr Shaw's surgery is? ◎ I'll stop off at the doctor's to collect your medicine. - the surgery and offices where a group of doctors and nurses work together: health centre - the room where patients wait to see a doctor: waiting room I sat down in the waiting room. ※ arranging to see the doctor - an arrangement to see a doctor at a particular time: appointment I'd like to make another appointment to see Dr Smith. ◎ I've got an appointment with Dr Lee. - if a doctor comes to your house to see you, he/she makes a home visit - the person in the health centre or surgery who arranges when you can see a doctor: receptionist The receptionist has given me an appointment for next Tuesday. - when you talk to a doctor about your health, you see* a doctor, (formal) consult a doctor Which doctor do you usually see? ◎ I was told I should consult a doctor. - when the doctor meets and talks to patients, he/she sees* them The doctor will see you now. - a person who is receiving medical treatment: patient ※ when you are with the doctor - to look at sb/sth in order to find out what is wrong: examine sb/sth, look at sb/sth The doctor examined his injured leg. ◎ Open your mouth wide; I want to look at your throat. - to find out what illness sb has: diagnose sth; an act of diagnosing sth: diagnosis (plural diagnoses)(noun C/U) His illness was diagnosed as bronchitis. ◎ What was the doctor's diagnosis? - a change in your body that is a sign of illness: symptom My daughter had malaria but the doctor didn't recognise the symptoms. ◎ flu symptoms - an examination of your body by a doctor to find out if you are healthy: check-up, medical My father goes to see his doctor once a year for a check-up. ◎ She had to have a medical before she was given the job. - the instrument that a doctor uses for measuring the temperature of your body: thermometer - the instrument that a doctor uses for listening to your breathing and heart: stethoscope - to see whether your heart is working properly, the doctor may take* your pulse (by feeling your wrist), or take* your blood pressure (with an instrument attached to your arm) - a small amount of blood, urine, etc that a doctor takes from you to help find out what is wrong: sample, specimen They took a blood sample. ◎ a urine specimen - to give medical care to sb: treat sb (for sth); noun(U/C): treatment The boy was treated for burns at the hospital. ◎ She received expert medical treatment. - the pills, liquids, etc that you take in order to treat an illness: medicine (noun C/U) I was told to take the medicine four times a day after meals. - to say what medicine or treatment a patient should have: prescribe sth; the piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the medicine you have to take: prescription The doctor prescribed antibiotics. ◎ I took the prescription to the chemist's. ※ more on medicine MEDICINE - to make sb healthy again: cure sb (of sth) Thanks to the treatment he was given, he was completely cured. ◎ They managed to cure him of his drug addiction. - when you are healthy again, you are/feel* better I'm feeling much better now. ※ MORE ... a doctor who is an expert in ※¦ | is called a ※¦ | illnesses of the nervous system | neurologist | children's illnesses | paediatrician (AmE pediatrician) | the diseases of women (especially those affecting the reproductive system) | gynaecologist (AmE gynecologist) | looking after women who are pregnant | obstetrician | repairing damaged skin or improving the appearance of a person's face or body | plastic surgeon | treating people with mental illness | psychiatrist | - a doctor for animals: vet, (formal) veterinary surgeon
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