1. a group of musicians playing or singing together (Freq. 5) - a string ensemble • Hypernyms: musical organization, musical organisation, musical group • Hyponyms: gamelan, jug band, pop group, mariachi, skiffle group 2. a cast other than the principals • Syn: supporting players • Hypernyms: cast, cast of characters, dramatis personae 3. the chorus of a ballet company • Syn: corps de ballet • Hypernyms: chorus, chorus line • Member Holonyms: ballet company 4. an assemblage of parts or details (as in a work of art) considered as forming a whole • Syn: tout ensemble • Topics: art, artistic creation, artistic production • Hypernyms: collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage 5. a coordinated outfit (set of clothing) • Hypernyms: outfit, getup, rig, turnout • Hyponyms: sailor suit