Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 falling 2 causing people and things to fall 3 not falling see also STAND
1 falling - to come or go down towards the ground: fall*, drop; an act of falling: fall He fell off a ladder. ◎ We collected some of the peaches that had dropped from the tree. ◎ George has had another bad fall while climbing in the Alps. - the amount of sth that falls or the distance that sth falls: fall a heavy fall of snow ◎ a fall of three thousand feet ※ ways that people fall - to suddenly stop standing: fall* (down/over) The boy slipped and fell over on the ice. - to fall suddenly in a heavy way, without control: tumble, have a tumble She had a nasty tumble from her horse. - to hit your foot against sth when you are walking, and fall or nearly fall: trip over/on sth, trip over, stumble (over sth) I tripped over someone's bag that was on the floor. ◎ A hole in the ground made the horse stumble. - to fall down and perhaps become unconscious: collapse The winner collapsed at the end of the race. - to fall from sth: fall* off (sth), come* off (sth) What happened? Did you fall off? ◎ Mary came off her bike and broke her leg. - to fall from an enclosed place: fall* out (of sth) Diane leaned too far out of the window and nearly fell out. - to fall over the side of a ship: fall* overboard - to fall, dive, jump, etc suddenly and with force into sth: plunge (into sth) A woman plunged to her death from the cliffs at Beachy Head yesterday. - with your head before the rest of your body: headlong (adjective, adverb) He fell headlong into the crowd below. - to slide accidentally, lose your balance and fall or nearly fall: slip Jerry slipped on the rocks and fell into the sea. ※ ways that things fall - (used about rain, snow, etc) to fall from the sky: fall*, come* down The rain was coming down in torrents. - (used about a liquid) to fall in small drops: drip; the sound of water dripping: drip Water was dripping through the roof. ◎ the steady drip of water from the tap - a small amount of water that drips: drip Drips of water fell from the leaves of the trees. - to drop from an upright position: fall* over There were too many books on the bookcase; not surprisingly, it fell over. - to fall down or inwards suddenly: fall* down, collapse, come* down; noun: collapse The fence collapsed when Harry sat on it. ◎ The bridge came down in the floods. ◎ The collapse of the stand caused many casualties. - to fall inwards: cave in The roof of the tunnel had caved in and we could go no further. - to slide out of the correct position or out of sb's hand: slip The top book slipped off the pile and fell on the floor.
2 causing people and things to fall - to make or let sb/sth fall: drop sb/sth The planes dropped food and medicine. ◎ That vase is very expensive. Whatever you do, don't drop it! - to cause sb to fall or nearly fall over: trip sb up Bill stuck his foot out and tripped David up. - to cause sb/sth to fall over by pushing them/it: push sb/sth over He pushed her over and ran towards the door. - to cause sb/sth to fall over: knock sb/sth over Be careful not to knock the drinks over. - to cause sb to fall to the ground: knock sb down She was knocked down by a cyclist. - to cause sth to fall or turn over: tip sth (over/up) The baby leaned out of his pushchair and tipped it over. - (in sport) to cause an opposing player to fall down: bring* sb down Waddle was brought down in the penalty area. - when the wind makes sb/sth fall, it blows* sb/sth down/off/over; sth that falls because of the wind blows* down/off/over The wind blew my hat off. ◎ The fence blew down in the storm. - to cause sth to fall by cutting it: cut* sth down, chop sth down We cut the tree down/cut down the tree. ※ destroying a building BUILD - the natural force that causes things to fall to the ground: gravity (noun U) the force of gravity
3 not falling - a thing that does not fall down stays up Those shelves won't stay up long if you don't use big enough screws. - something is not likely to fall if it is firm, steady; opposite: unsteady It seems quite steady - I don't think it will fall. - to make yourself or sth steady: steady yourself/sth I thought I was going to fall, so I steadied myself by putting my hand out. - to remain steady and upright when you might expect to fall: keep* your balance; opposite: lose* your balance The bridge wobbled dangerously but Henry managed to keep his balance and he didn't fall. - to fall over or nearly fall over because you cannot stand steadily: overbalance Peter leaned forward too far and overbalanced. - to prevent sth from falling: hold*/keep* sth up You'll need a belt to hold your trousers up. - to put an object under or behind sth to give it support so that it will not fall: prop sth up; an object that you use to prop sth up: prop Can you prop the table up with something? It's very unsteady. ◎ What can we use as a prop to hold the bookcase up? ※ MORE ... - having the feeling that everything is going round and that you are going to fall: dizzy; a dizzy feeling: dizziness (noun U) I often feel dizzy if I stand up too quickly.
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