needing to do sth MUST - when sb must have sth, they need it, are in need of it, (informal) could do with it We need some more milk - there's none in the fridge. ◎ I'm in need of a holiday. ◎ That child could do with a bath and some clean clothes. - a situation in which sth is needed: need There is a growing need for specialist nurses. - something that you need: necessity, need Just bring the necessities - a change of clothes, food and water. ◎ Love and security are basic human needs. - needed by sb or sth: necessary Are all these clothes really necessary? ◎ to take necessary precautions against illness or injury - absolutely necessary: essential, vital For this job, a knowledge of French is essential. - necessary because of some official or technical reason: required At least three people are required to operate the machine. ◎ No special qualifications are required. - if sb has a very strong need for sth, they are desperate for sth, they badly need/want sth I'm desperate for a glass of water. ◎ She badly needs help. - to need sb/sth and feel that you could not live or work properly without them/it: depend on sb/sth (for sth), rely on sb/sth (for sth); noun (U): dependence (on sb/sth); adjective: dependent (on sb/sth) She relies on other people to look after her. ◎ to be dependent on drugs ※ not needing sth - not necessary: unnecessary (adverb unnecessarily) Why did you have to say that? It was quite unnecessary! ◎ These executives earn unnecessarily large salaries. - an amount that is more than you need: surplus; adjective: surplus food surpluses - if you do not need sth, you can* do without it Don't worry - I think I can do without the dictionary. - not needing help or support from anybody: independent; noun (U): independence She's a very independent child. ※ needing or not needing help HELP