see also CLOTH, CLOTHES - the soft hair of sheep, goats, etc: wool (noun U) - wool that has been made into a long thread to make clothes with: wool (noun U) a ball of wool - something that is made of wool is woollen (AmE woolen), woolly (AmE wooly), wool woollen gloves ◎ a woolly hat ◎ a wool blanket - something that feels like wool is woolly (AmE wooly) The dog had a thick woolly coat. - artificial wool can be made of acrylic (noun U) or nylon (noun U); adjectives: acrylic, nylon an acrylic jumper - a thick woollen cloth: tweed (noun U) - a fine, soft wool which comes from very young sheep: lambswool (noun U) - two very soft, fine kinds of wool: cashmere (noun U), mohair (noun U) ※ knitting - to make sth (for example, a piece of clothing) out of wool using two needles that you hold in your hands: knit (sth); something made in this way is knitted a knitted scarf - thin, pointed pieces of metal, plastic or wood used in knitting: (knitting) needles - one of the small pieces of wool that you put around a needle when knitting: stitch - a machine used for knitting: knitting machine - something that is being knitted: knitting (noun U) Where have I put my knitting? - clothing which is knitted: knitwear (noun U) - a set of instructions that explains how to knit sth yourself: pattern a knitting pattern - a way of making clothes, cloth, etc by using wool or cotton and one needle with a hook at the end: crochet (noun U); verb: crochet (sth) ※ MORE ... - to make thread for knitting, etc from a mass of wool: spin (sth)