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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

mixed BrE [mɪkst] NAmE [mɪkst] adjective
1. having both good and bad qualities or feelings
The weather has been very mixed recently.
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think).
The play was given a mixed reception by the critics (= some liked it, some did not).
British athletes had mixed fortunes in yesterday's competition.
2. only before noun consisting of different kinds of people, for example, people from different races and cultures
a mixed community
people of mixed race
a mixed marriage (= between two people of different races or religions)
3. only before noun consisting of different types of the same thing
a mixed salad
4. usually before noun of or for both males and females
a mixed school
I'd rather not talk about it in mixed company.

Word Origin:
late Middle English mixt: from Old French mixte, from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscere ‘to mix’.

mixed [mixed] adj. only before noun
a mixed-ability class
diverse • • assorted • • miscellaneous • |often approving varied • |formal heterogeneous • • eclectic • |especially written, often disapproving motley
Opp: homogeneous
a/an mixed/diverse/assorted/miscellaneous/varied/heterogeneous/motley group
a/an mixed/diverse/miscellaneous/varied/heterogeneous/motley collection
racially/ethnically/culturally/socially mixed/diverse/varied

Example Bank:
In his world view, art and religion were inextricably mixed.
an ethnically mixed community
Do you have experience of teaching mixed-ability classes?
She was born to parents of mixed race.
a mixed marriage

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