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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

pleased BrE [pliːzd] NAmE [pliːzd] adjective
1. feeling happy about sth
~ (with sb/sth) She was very pleased with her exam results.
The boss should be pleased with you.
~ (that…) I'm really pleased that you're feeling better.
~ (to hear, know, etc. sth) I'm pleased to hear about your news.
You're coming? I'm so pleased.
He did not look too pleased when I told him.
2. ~ to do sth happy or willing to do sth
We are always pleased to be able to help.
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.
Aren't you pleased to see me?
• (especially BrE)Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb).
Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept.
I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.
Idioms:far from pleased none too pleased only too pleased pleased as Punch pleased with yourself

pleased [pleased] adj. not before noun
She was pleased with her exam results.
glad • • happy • • satisfied • • content • • contented • • proud • • delighted • • relieved
Opp: disappointed, (formal)Opp: displeased
pleased/glad/happy/satisfied/proud/delighted/relieved about
pleased/glad/happy/satisfied/content/contented/delighted with sth
pleased/glad/happy/delighted/relieved for sb
Pleased, glad or happy? Feeling pleased can suggest that you have judged sb/sth and approve of them or that sth has happened that is particularly good for you. Feeling glad can be more about feeling grateful for sth. Happy can mean glad, pleased or satisfied.

happy • pleased • delighted • proud • relieved • thrilled
These words all describe people feeling happy about sth that has happened or is going to happen.
glad • [not usually before noun] happy about sth or grateful for it: He was glad he'd come. She was glad when the meeting was over.
happy • pleased about sth nice that you have to do or sth that has happened to sb: We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.
pleased • [not before noun] happy about sth that has happened or sth that you have to do: She was very pleased with her exam results. You're coming? I'm so pleased.
glad, happy or pleased?
Feeling pleased can suggest that you have judged sb/sth and approve of them. Feeling glad can be more about feeling grateful for sth. You cannot be ‘glad with sb’: The boss should be glad with you. Happy can mean glad, pleased or satisfied.
delighted • very pleased about sth; very happy to do sth; showing your delight: I'm delighted at your news.
Delighted is often used to accept an invitation: ‘Can you stay for dinner?’ ‘I'd be delighted (to).’
proud • pleased and satisfied about sth that you own or have done, or are connected with: proud parents He was proud of himself for not giving up.
relieved • feeling happy because sth unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this: You'll be relieved to know your jobs are safe.
thrilled • [not before noun] (rather informal) extremely pleased and excited about sth: I was thrilled to be invited.
delighted or thrilled?
Thrilled may express a stronger feeling than delighted, but delighted can be made stronger with absolutely, more than or only too. Thrilled can be made negative and ironic with not exactly or less than: She was not exactly thrilled at the prospect of looking after her niece.
glad/happy/pleased/delighted/relieved/thrilled about sth
pleased/delighted/relieved/thrilled at sth
glad/happy/pleased/delighted/thrilled for sb
glad/happy/pleased/delighted/proud/relieved/thrilled that…/to see/hear/find/know…
very glad/happy/pleased/proud/relieved
absolutely delighted/thrilled

Example Bank:
I am always pleased to hear from former students.
I'm very pleased for you both.
She seemed pleased at our success.
She seemed surprised and not at all pleased to see him.
They seemed pleased enough with the result.
We are immensely pleased with this result.
You must be pleased by their confidence in you.
pleased about the move
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.
Pleased to meet you.
She was none too pleased/far from pleased/not best pleased at having to do it all again.
You're coming? I'm so pleased.

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